Testnet & Token Swap will be available for all users starting March 15

Pera Finance
3 min readMar 8, 2022

The testnet and the migration contract will be available soon on the app. All Users will be able to migrate their Old BEP-20 $PERA to New Avalanche ERC-20 $PERA for 3 weeks, starting on March 15th.

Dear PERA Family;

We know that you have been waiting for updates regarding the migration process and significantly about the token swap. Today, we are excited to announce that the migration contract will be deployed on March 15th for all of our users to migrate their tokens. The migration contract will be live for 3 weeks, starting on the 15th of March and ending on April 7th, 2022.

  • The migration will occur periodically;
  • In the first migration period, lasting for 3 weeks, you will be able to migrate your old $PERA tokens for new ones. But, there may not be enough slots for everyone to migrate within the first period.
  • If you were not able to migrate in the first period, you still can a month after the first period ends, don’t worry your tokens will be safe.

The migration process will be considerably effortless for all our users since they only need to follow a few steps.

What are you required to do as a $PERA investor?

To make sure that everything runs as smoothly as it could, we triple-checked everything and are now ready to go. Leaving our fellow users with only a simple task.

Before you begin, you need to know that all of our users will be able to migrate their $PERA tokens to the other side.

Step 1: Stake your tokens in the migration contract.

As easy as it sounds, refer to the dashboard, click on the “migration” button on app.pera.finance, stake your $PERA tokens, and confirm.

  • For users that stake $PERA tokens in the migration contract within the first week, there will be a 10% $PERA migration incentive.

Step 2: Claim your tokens

You just have to wait after confirming the migration contract, and you will be able to claim your tokens on Avalanche.

WHAT about $PERA Tokens in CEXes?

For users that like to keep their $PERA on centralized exchanges, the migration process will be as easy as it gets. The entire process will be worked out by the exchange, and you will not be required to do anything.

But, if you prefer to benefit from the on-chain user incentives, 10% migration incentives are available for those planning to stake their $PERA tokens in the migration contract.(Also within the first week of migration)

Testnet Update:

The swap farming contract will be deployed to Avalanche fuji testnet on March 15th, simultaneously with the migration contract, and will be available for public use.


Please make sure to check if you have any unclaimed rewards before you stake your tokens in the contract. Claim all of your pending rewards, and please remember to not leave any unclaimed $PERA from the trading competitions.

For a better transition experience, we are currently working for the migration of liquidity providers’ LP tokens, without even needing to separate the LP tokens to $BNB’s and $PERA tokens. So, stay tuned!

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Pera Finance

Pera Finance is the first DEX Optimizer designed to boost on-chain trading volume via trader incentives.