Community Update — November, 6

In this update we are announcing several key development milestones for TomoChain and its ecosystem.

Long Vuong
3 min readNov 6, 2018


Dear Tomo community,

Firstly, today we are publishing our design paper on the TomoX decentralized exchange protocol. Link. Development for TomoX has been ongoing for two months, and we plan for it to go live in the mainnet in late Q1/early Q2, 2019. TomoX Protocol is integrated into the core TomoChain blockchain consensus layer which can potentially handle many thousands of transactions per second. Based on our Relayer-Masternode architecture, we believe TomoX is the most sophisticated DEX design to date — with the potential to become the highest performing DEX once operational.

With the introduction of TomoX protocol, the TomoChain platform now features a full suite of critical protocols and applications to power an open, decentralized, and efficient financial system on a blockchain for decentralized apps and token issuances. Once these tools are online — thousands of projects, developers, and users can interact seamlessly to build and use multiple new financial services on-chain. We believe our focus on strong product development, combined with an efficient and user-friendly ecosystem will pay-off in the long-term, and make TomoChain one of the most valuable blockchain networks in the world.

Secondly, we are happy to announce the establishment of TomoChain’s Japan office — which begins work this month. Japan is currently one of the fastest growing regions and most popular hubs for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. This office opening brings TomoChain one step closer toward our goal of becoming a global blockchain solution. TomoChain’s Japan office is a joint venture between TomoChain and the Japanese IT solution provider, VNext. Over the long term, TomoChain is excited to collaborate with VNext to create multiple blockchain and AI solutions.

TomoChain Japan Office

There has been a high level of early interest in TomoChain from many Japanese companies, and TomoChain hopes this new office will allow these opportunities to flourish. We recorded a video in our Japan office here when we visited Tokyo last month — please read more about TomoChain’s Japan office opening in this announcement.

Lastly, we cordially invite all of our partners, supporters, and token holders to join our TomoChain Global Mainnet Launching Series in multiple cities from December 2018 to the end of February 2019. The first event will be on December 6th in Hanoi, and subsequent events will be organized globally by our community in support of the TomoChain mainnet launch. If you are interested in supporting TomoChain, and organizing an event in your city, please contact us — as we will provide necessary support in terms of funding, materials, marketing etc. for a successful event. The series aims to introduce all the key products of TomoChain’s ecosystem, as well as raise awareness of TomoChain’s solution to local communities worldwide.

Our dearest invitation

TomoChain’s genesis block generation and token swapping procedure will be explained in a separate post to be published at a later date. The mainnet will be launching in December, and we will update you when the technical preparation has been completed. Finally, we’d like to thank our community, partners, advisors, and token holders for your wholehearted and ongoing support.

Long Vuong — CEO and Founder of TomoChain

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Long Vuong

I follow a big vision to build products that impact millions of people. Currently at