Surf the Wave: Wave 2 of Ultra Games Access Kicks Off on the 25th of November

Published in
5 min readNov 8, 2021


Wave 2 opens Ultra’s platform to more users ahead of its public release

With so many moving parts, revolutionary technology being built, and a whole world of applications being deployed within a singular interface, we have to prioritize what launches first. Ultra’s focus is always on stability, feature completeness, innovation, and enabling scaling towards the wider goal of millions of daily active users.

With the release of wave 2, we’re one step closer to launching Ultra Games and we’re excited for the newest batch of Ultra testers to jump right in!

What are the waves?

Through the first three waves, we’re giving exclusive access to a select number of closed beta users. The intent of the closed beta is to release the platform to ever wider groups gradually, allowing us to announce our publishing partners while testing out set features. This method of launch helps us ensure that what we’ve been building is ready for prime time and can be adopted by millions worldwide.

This is a deliberate development strategy that allows us to ensure our infrastructure scales effectively. Critically, it also allows us to share what we’ve been building with you all and to show our deep appreciation to the community for their support and interest.

Wave 1

The first wave gave five devoted community members the chance to be one of the first users to access the platform. They provided important feedback that we have implemented over the last few months.

Wave 2

Here’s where we’re at. Kicking off Wave 2 on the 25th of November, we’ll give dozens more lucky community members the chance to try out Ultra Games. As we’ve moved across from Testnet in Wave 1 to Mainnet, we’ll be testing the purchasing flow and users will provide us with additional feedback that we will consider moving forward.

Developers have been able to self-publish their content using our Game Dev Centre and users in this wave will see a select few games that have been added to the platform, be able to buy them with fiat or UOS, and play them on their local machines.

The limited selection of games at the beginning of this wave ensures closed beta users can thoroughly test our features and we’ll be onboarding more publishers and games during Wave 2.

Wave 3

This is the third and final wave of our closed beta. We’ll be giving access to many more users after the launch of the NFT Marketplace and just before the public release of Ultra Games to ensure we’re scaling effectively and test out more features and integrations. These users will be randomly selected, as well as through giveaways on our social channels. Make sure to download the platform and follow us on Twitter for a chance to gain exclusive access to the closed beta during this wave!

Games galore

Each application we add to the Ultra platform is equally as important as the others. We’re providing an all encompassing ecosystem that bridges the gap between gaming and blockchain in a way that benefits players and developers equally. However, at the centre of our platform is Ultra Games, our games storefront.

This is an important stage for us at Ultra as we’ll be announcing our key publishing partners and the games that will be available on the platform. To stay up to date on all things gaming, follow us on our gaming Twitter!

Game developers have been using our Game Dev Centre to publish their content onto the platform and we’ve onboarded various publishers to provide choice to closed beta users who are exploring Ultra Games.

NFT Marketplace testing

In the meantime, the NFT marketplace is next in line to be publicly released. We’ve been testing it internally and we’ll soon be welcoming our closed beta testers to try it out for themselves. These select lucky users will gain exclusive access to the NFT Marketplace in all its digital asset glory!

There won’t be a closed beta wave structure for the NFT Marketplace like there is for Ultra Games. Instead, we’ll recruit our Wave 1 closed beta users to test out the platform for a short period of time, implement their feedback where applicable, and release it shortly after as part of our fully public offering.

As this will be the first time we’re revealing the NFT Marketplace to our users, it’s a vital and exciting next step in testing the application in our production environment.

Closed beta tests will:

  • Ensure that the NFT Marketplace is easy to use and functions as expected
  • Test speed, storage, and scalability
  • Validate the use of the NFT Marketplace to verify that all integrations meet the highest standard of quality

We’ll be looking for specific feedback on:

  • Confirmation that basic functionality such as buying and selling NFTs works as expected
  • Confirmation that a user’s actions occur quickly and smoothly

We’re excited to be taking this next step with you all and welcoming our next batch of closed beta users is super important for the launch of Ultra Games!

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit and and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

