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Not Financial Advice NFAI: प्रतियोगिता समाप्त
नॉट फाइनेंशियल एडवाइस में एक नई वेबसाइट और अद्यतन श्वेतपत्र के लॉन्च का जश्न मनाने के लिए एक प्रतियोगिता होगी, जहां वे शिबोशी एनएफटी को इनाम के रूप में छोड़ेंगे।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 25 जून 2023 19:00 UTC
To celebrate the release of our revamped Website and White Paper, we are hosting a thread contest!
In this contest, we encourage you to mention our new Website and White Paper while delving into the reasons why @nfalabs is passionately committed to helping the #DeFi ecosystem.
Two winners will be chosen, and each will receive a Shiboshi NFT as a reward. The announcement of the winners will take place on sunday, june 25th, at 7 pm UTC.
Here are the key points to include in your entry:
1 Highlight the launch of our new White Paper and Website, providing comprehensive details.
2 Emphasize the importance of DeFi and how @nfalabs aims to provide DeFi opportunities for $SHIB supporters.
3 Discuss the significance of lending within the DeFi ecosystem.
4 Showcase NFAI's pioneering efforts in driving a lending revolution through CANIS on Shibarium.
5 Include the following tags/hashtags: $nfai #nfai #Shib #threadcontest.
Good luck to all participants! 🤖❤️
$nfai #ShibArmy #Shib #Shiboshi $leash $bone #NFTGiveaway
In this contest, we encourage you to mention our new Website and White Paper while delving into the reasons why @nfalabs is passionately committed to helping the #DeFi ecosystem.
Two winners will be chosen, and each will receive a Shiboshi NFT as a reward. The announcement of the winners will take place on sunday, june 25th, at 7 pm UTC.
Here are the key points to include in your entry:
1 Highlight the launch of our new White Paper and Website, providing comprehensive details.
2 Emphasize the importance of DeFi and how @nfalabs aims to provide DeFi opportunities for $SHIB supporters.
3 Discuss the significance of lending within the DeFi ecosystem.
4 Showcase NFAI's pioneering efforts in driving a lending revolution through CANIS on Shibarium.
5 Include the following tags/hashtags: $nfai #nfai #Shib #threadcontest.
Good luck to all participants! 🤖❤️
$nfai #ShibArmy #Shib #Shiboshi $leash $bone #NFTGiveaway
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद NFAI के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
1 घंटा
3 घंटे
1 दिन
2 दिन
अब (1 साल पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
23 जून 07:56 (UTC)