Bytom Weekly Dev Report(2017.12.18)

1 min readDec 18, 2017

Development Progress

1.[dev] Release multi-platform one-click compilation and multi-server one-click deployment for bytom to simplify source code compiling test and make it more user-friendly;

2.[fix] Fix the creation errors in docker and Windows and solve four issues on GitHub, involving network errors, source code compilation error and other issues;

3.[dev] Complete the unit test for utxo incremental transformation basically and merge it into dev branch;

4.[dev] Reconstruct commands for bytomcli and finish most of work in reconstruction. It will be more user-friendly for debugging;

5.[dev] Improve features for AI mining algorithm with its efficiency and the mathematical proof of algorithm security is nearing completion;

6.[dev] Complete the coding for automation test script of the template contract and start exploring ‘gas’ estimating function in ‘ivy’ contract;

7.[dev] Finish collecting wallet code for bytom and complete the survey for hd wallet;

8.[dev] Achieve transaction between addresses by bytom wallet.

