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iMe Lab LIME: Conferência da Comunidade Ethereum em Paris, França
O iMe Lab participará da Ethereum Community Conference, que está programada para acontecer em Paris, França. O evento terá início em 17 de julho e terminará em 20 de julho.
Além do evento principal, o iMe Lab também realizará um evento paralelo em 20 de julho. A conferência proporcionará uma oportunidade para os participantes explorarem os últimos desenvolvimentos no ecossistema Ethereum.
Data do evento: 18 a 20 julho 2023 UTC
iMe Smart Platform
🚀 #iMe and iMe X teams are thrilled to announce our presence at the largest annual European Ethereum event - #ethcc in #Paris! Get ready to witness the future of crypto firsthand.
📅 Mark your calendars for the main event happening on July 17-20 at the magnificent venues in Paris, France. But that's not all! We are also hosting a side event on july 20th at 20:00 GMT+2.
⚡️You won't want to miss it!⚡️
🌐 Join us at EthCC - Ethereum Community Conference and immerse yourself in the world of Ethereum innovations. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready for an unforgettable experience.
$LIME #selfcustodial #revolutionizingcrypto #ethconference
📅 Mark your calendars for the main event happening on July 17-20 at the magnificent venues in Paris, France. But that's not all! We are also hosting a side event on july 20th at 20:00 GMT+2.
⚡️You won't want to miss it!⚡️
🌐 Join us at EthCC - Ethereum Community Conference and immerse yourself in the world of Ethereum innovations. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready for an unforgettable experience.
$LIME #selfcustodial #revolutionizingcrypto #ethconference
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Agora (Adicionado 1 ano atrás)
O evento está prestes a começar
18 jul 09:01 (UTC)