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Quickswap QUICK: Novo contrato de aposta
A Quickswap anunciou que atualizará seu QLP para novos contratos de recompensa em 21 de julho às 8h UTC. Essa atualização exigirá que os provedores de liquidez do QLP migrem seu QLP para o novo contrato de participação. O processo de migração será facilitado por meio de uma transação simples de uma etapa na página “Liquidez” do QuickPerps.
Data do evento: 21 de julho de 2023 8:00 UTC
QuickSwap ⚖️ Up to 50x Leverage
🚨 Attention QuickPerps LPs 🚨
📅 $QLP will be upgraded to new reward contracts this friday, july 21, 2023. Please be aware to migrate your $QLP liquidity into the new staking contract through a simple one-step transaction on the 'Liquidity' page of QuickPerps
*Note that the migration button will only appear when a user has $QLP in the old contract. The migration process will be active on Friday, July 21 at 8:00 AM UTC
With this, the last airdrop distribution will occur - note that all ongoing $QUICK, $USDC, and $ETH rewards will be distributed to the new staking contracts and be claimable, so it is important to migrate your $QLP into the new contract to not miss out on your rewards. No more airdrops will occur moving forward ✅
📅 $QLP will be upgraded to new reward contracts this friday, july 21, 2023. Please be aware to migrate your $QLP liquidity into the new staking contract through a simple one-step transaction on the 'Liquidity' page of QuickPerps
*Note that the migration button will only appear when a user has $QLP in the old contract. The migration process will be active on Friday, July 21 at 8:00 AM UTC
With this, the last airdrop distribution will occur - note that all ongoing $QUICK, $USDC, and $ETH rewards will be distributed to the new staking contracts and be claimable, so it is important to migrate your $QLP into the new contract to not miss out on your rewards. No more airdrops will occur moving forward ✅
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O evento está prestes a começar
21 jul 20:00 (UTC)