Step.App - FITFI
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Step.App - FITFI: Concurso
Step.App – FITFI anunciou o lendário desafio final do relógio. O desafio envolve a compra e abertura de watchboxes no prazo de 48 horas. O participante que abrir mais watchboxes nesse período será declarado vencedor. Em caso de empate, será o vencedor o participante que atingir primeiro a maior contagem de watchboxes. O desafio está programado para terminar no dia 4 de outubro às 22h UTC.
Data do evento: 2 a 4 outubro 2023 UTC
⌚Introducing the Final Legendary WATCH Challenge!
Another remarkable Legendary WATCH (5/6), boosting your Activity by +1000, has discovered its lucky owner! 🎉
Hurry, as only 1 Legendary WATCH remains, and we're thrilled to announce a special challenge with this iconic asset as the grand prize!
Here are the rules:
1️⃣ To participate, simply purchase and open one or more WATCHBOXes within the next 48 hours.
2️⃣ The winner will be determined by who opens the most WATCHBOXes within this 48-hour window.
3️⃣ In the event of a tie, the fastest participant to reach the highest WATCHBOX count will emerge victorious.
4️⃣ The challenge concludes at 10pm UTC on October 4.
But what if the last Legendary WATCH is claimed before the challenge ends?
Don't worry! We'll immediately conclude the #challenge, and the user who has opened the most WATCHBOXes up to that point will receive an extra 7th Legendary WATCH!
IMPORTANT: This is the last opportunity to get WATCHes as they will be removed from the Sales after this challenge. ⌛
Stay tuned for updates as we keep you posted on the leading participants tomorrow at 10pm UTC. Don't miss out!
#StepApp #MoveToEarn #FITFI
Another remarkable Legendary WATCH (5/6), boosting your Activity by +1000, has discovered its lucky owner! 🎉
Hurry, as only 1 Legendary WATCH remains, and we're thrilled to announce a special challenge with this iconic asset as the grand prize!
Here are the rules:
1️⃣ To participate, simply purchase and open one or more WATCHBOXes within the next 48 hours.
2️⃣ The winner will be determined by who opens the most WATCHBOXes within this 48-hour window.
3️⃣ In the event of a tie, the fastest participant to reach the highest WATCHBOX count will emerge victorious.
4️⃣ The challenge concludes at 10pm UTC on October 4.
But what if the last Legendary WATCH is claimed before the challenge ends?
Don't worry! We'll immediately conclude the #challenge, and the user who has opened the most WATCHBOXes up to that point will receive an extra 7th Legendary WATCH!
IMPORTANT: This is the last opportunity to get WATCHes as they will be removed from the Sales after this challenge. ⌛
Stay tuned for updates as we keep you posted on the leading participants tomorrow at 10pm UTC. Don't miss out!
#StepApp #MoveToEarn #FITFI
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