Test-Net Release

2 min readNov 19, 2018


Today is the day: Phantasma Chain Testnet Launch!

With the first version of the Testnet comes our very own Block Explorer (CLICK HERE). Anybody who has a Nacho Men account can check their Phantasma public address by using our Block Explorer to see the already airdropped (test) SOUL tokens.

If you want to try the wallet out, but don’t have any tokens yet, please submit your Phantasma public address HERE. With our wallet, any user can send (test) SOUL to another wallet and track the transactions with the Block Explorer.

Click HERE or HERE for a Wallet guide.

Disclaimer: DO NOT send any real SOUL tokens (from a NEO or Exchange wallet) to a Phantasma wallet in the Testnet.

Later down the line we shall add more updates to our Testnet to test some of the more popular queries from the Phantasma community. Naturally, these are related to masternodes and how many TPS the Phantasma blockchain can actually achieve. If required, the Testnet might reset to block 0 to add more updates to the network.

Our Testnet will mainly be interesting for developers who want to build something on Phantasma Chain as we will launch our SDK in due time with the supported language C#. More languages will be supported in the future.

Stay tuned for more updates!

For more information about Phantasma Chain:

Website: https://Phantasma.io/

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/phantasma_io

Telegram Announement Channel: https://t.me/phantasma_announcements

Medium: https://medium.com/phantasticphantasma

Twitter: @phantasmachain

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/phantasma

Discord: https://discord.gg/rYfajr




BlockChain for next generation content distribution