Bizdev Update, Network Applications And…

4 min readDec 1, 2018


Last month we mentioned an exploratory relationship that has us ideating with a small consortium of companies interested in exploring how blockchain applications can propel their businesses into the next decade. While we recognized the general opportunity, we could not have predicted the network we are gaining access to. The insight we have received thus far has proven invaluable and the relationships we are fostering have opened us up to new areas of research.

While we are not celebrating prematurely, these are precisely the types of organizations that are able to invest significantly into the research and development of very experimental technologies. Below are a few of the rapidly evolving applications for the RepMe Network that we are particularly excited about.

Identity Verification

One area that has received significant attention is the emerging field of data verification and identity management on the blockchain. With our potential to capture and encrypt large pools of digital IDs, we have gleaned interest from rather large players in securing and protecting the data of their networks. “Recapturing trust” has been a recurring theme in these discussions and is rapidly becoming an area of focus for the old guard. Expect this to become a stronger focus as an integration to the platform in the future.

Reputation Management

While this has always been an integral function of the RepMe platform, it is very encouraging to learn just how far-reaching the interest in this technology is. One of our Asian-based cohorts is responsible for risk-assessment profiling in finance. Like so many companies that are responsible for large amounts of data these days, user privacy has become a short-term imperative. Their insight and feedback regarding what they perceive to be the more intractable issues, has been eye-opening for us and has helped to refine and shape our processes. Currently, we have a small internal team already working toward some exciting solutions.

Private Data Sharing

As stewards of the RepMe Network, we realize that with great power comes a great responsibility. It has become clear that once running at full steam, there will need to be safeguards in place to throttle the amount of data flowing through its veins. Furthermore, captured data will need to be encrypted, controlled by the owner/user and compatible across an endless list of conflicting technologies. Leaders in industries like healthcare, finance and third-part data brokers have all expressed interest our technology.

Looking Forward

The last few months have been a true whirlwind for the team here at RepMe. When the original members first joined forces in early 2017, we knew that the blockchain would be the bedrock for an entirely new social structure. What we didn’t realize was how fast our mission would evolve and how hungry existing industries were for the solutions that the RepMe network could provide. We suspected then and are convinced now, that our culture is in the midst of the first fundamental shift in the way we assess trust since anthropologists first formalized kin altruism.

While we do our best to keep the community apprised of everything, non-disclosures have stifled some of our communication. Our early-stage discussions are typically confidential as much as we’d wish to publicly exploring the true scope of where the RepMe platform is headed with those that are interested. This has always been a tough pill for us to swallow since the RepMe community is RepMe. We will always do our best to keep the community apprised of what’s happening and that is a promise.


Finally, a word on the website. While we are finalizing some changes over the next few days and will have it up in short order, we decided to continue to report our progress. Our primary aim is for RepMe to realize its potential as soon as possible. Certainly, we take responsibility for being late, but have never neglected our objectives. Our website does not need to blow anyone’s hair back but was something we had hoped to have up by now, not by December 31st as originally stated. Nonetheless, we are tardy but traveling, attending to business development and making this all go. With relatively finite resources in this early stage it is something of a juggling act; nothing more.

We believe we have always communicated effectively and shown dexterity in navigating our path. This shall not change. It is our hope that investors and supporters see the merit in focusing on what matters, are starting to recognize the scope of our mission and becoming less influenced by the crypto boxes that dilettantes like to check while Rome may burn all around them. We are building something special here and shall remain unwavering in our pursuit.




Transparent linking, reputation management & incentivised networking, powered by Ai & blockchain.