Revealing a Detailed Roadmap
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Hi, all! Outside of platform development, communicating our goals and vision have always been our top priorities. We would like to share more about where the team is headed, and today, we’re happy to reveal something we’ve been asked a lot about — the detailed product roadmap. Publicly available, the roadmap discloses our specific plans, releases and updates until March, 2019.

Below we’re providing an overview of our key deliverables for the reported period. These steps are paving the way towards our core goal of building The Abyss game platform. Let’s explore each release a bit more deeply.
Deliverable: Desktop Client: СDN support
Scheduled: Oct, 2018
Comments: The Desktop Client installation and update processes are based on our Build Distribution System (under development) and support distribution through CDN.
Deliverable: API for project integration: basic functions
Scheduled: Oct, 2018
Comments: The Game API description draft will be made available for future partners. This will help them to estimate the labour input necessary for the integration of their games on The Abyss platform.
Deliverable: The unified system of authorization
Scheduled: Oct, 2018
Comments: The one-stop centre for account management. The system allows for an immediate response to suspicious activityz and enhances the security of user accounts.
Deliverable: SDK for developers
Scheduled: Nov, 2018
Comments: Developers will receive an easy-to-use tool for client games integration on The Abyss platform
Deliverable: Embedded JS API for Web games
Scheduled: Nov, 2018
Comments: Developers will receive an easy-to-use tool for browser-games integration on The Abyss platform
Deliverable: Adaptive dark theme: desktop version
Scheduled: Dec, 2018
Comments: A new and amazing design of the platform, performed in dark colours.
Deliverable: Licence management system: basic functions
Scheduled: Dec, 2018
Comments: This system provides an ability to generate product keys and to pre-order video games.
Deliverable: Fiat payments: purchase games
Scheduled: Dec, 2018
Comments: This update will allow purchasing video games with traditional fiat money.
Deliverable: Developers Account: builds management
Scheduled: Jan, 2019
Comments: Two options for builds management will be available in developers’ account: For inner tests / Available for all. Region configuration settings will be available for each build / patch.
Deliverable: Mobile Version
Scheduled: Jan, 2019
Comments: Access to personal account and referral network settings from mobile devices.
Deliverable: Desktop Client: Beta Version
Scheduled: Feb, 2019
Comments: Releasing the Desktop Client: Beta Version. This beta version will allow to purchase and launch both client and web games.
Deliverable: Developers’ Account: basic statistics
Scheduled: Feb, 2019
Comments: The developers’ personal account with statistical tools available. It allows for tracking basic statistics on developers’ games.
Deliverable: Developers Account: alerts
Scheduled: Feb, 2019
Comments: Info about charge-back transaction via call-back for developers. Developers receive the charge-back info just moments after we get it.
Deliverable: Platform Launch
Scheduled: March, 2019
Comments: This point just speaks volumes. Our major goal.
The revealed roadmap gives maximum clarity to date around our approach to building The Abyss digital distribution game platform. We should also note that much work hides behind each release and update mentioned above. We will keep you informed of the current progress in our regular development reports, next one coming on October 15, 2018.
The Abyss Team