Cripco IP3: Tazminat planı
Cripco yakın zamanda bir CRIPCO hesap yöneticisinin hesap bilgilerinin ele geçirildiği bir bilgisayar korsanlığı olayı yaşadı. Bu, CRIPCO'nun geçiş cüzdanının, ikincil işlem ücreti cüzdanının ve gelir cüzdanının açığa çıkmasına yol açtı. Sonuç olarak, bazı varlıklar çalındı ve IP3 belirteçlerinin ve NFT'lerin yetkisiz dolaşımı onaylandı.
Buna yanıt olarak Cripco, tüm Ethereum tabanlı NFT'leri ve varlıkları yeni bir cüzdana aktararak Ethereum ağının daha fazla zarar görmesini önlemek için önlemler aldı. Geçiş süreci, personeli tarafından manuel olarak denetleniyor. Cripco, 16 Ağustos 2023 ile 30 Ağustos 2023 (UTC) arasındaki önümüzdeki iki hafta için tazminat başvurularını kabul ediyor. Geçiş, 31 Aralık 2023 tarihine kadar planlandığı gibi devam edecek.
Dear CRIPCO Community,
We write to you in response to the recent hacking incident, and our concerted efforts to minimize the impact and loss to our members. Please take time to read below for details
[Incident Summary]
1. The Hacking Process
- Account Compromised: CRIPCO account administrator account information was compromised.
- Wallet Exposure: CRIPCO's migration wallet, secondary transaction fee wallet, and revenue wallet, etc were all exposed to the account compromise.
2. Direct Damages
- Asset Theft and Circulation Issues: Some assets were stolen from wallets associated with CRIPCO, and we have confirmed the unauthorized circulation of $IP3 tokens and NFTs that were not meant to be circulated.
3. CRIPCO's Liability
- Leaving assets in the migration wallet for the sake of future record verification was something we overlooked
[Response & Preventing Additional Damage on Ethereum Assets]
- To prevent secondary damage to the Ethereum network, all Ethereum-based NFTs and assets have been transferred to a brand-new fresh wallet.
- All migration work is manually done and under the supervision of our staff. Currently, no hacked quantities have been transferred to the Ethereum chain.
[Compensation Plan & Process]
- Detailed guide : christian doyon/final-announcement-regarding-hacking-incident-and-compensation-67970718694e" target="blank">https://medium.com/christian doyon/final-announcement-regarding-hacking-incident-and-compensation-67970718694e
- Compensation Application : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnJT3WbcIYDyK-pNYbq4HQ0n_77jjuu-aJalzfUez-h6T9Ew/viewform?usp=send_form
- We will be accepting applications for only the next two weeks
(Claim Period : 2023/08/16/13:30 ~ 2023/08/30/13:30 (UTC))
[Migration Precautions]
- Migration will proceed as planned, until the end of the year (2023/12/31), but please be informed that any additional purchases or NFTs acquired after the trading halt may be ineligible for migration support.
- We will continue to work diligently to make sure our ecosystem on ETH will be reinvigorated.
We thank your understanding and support and promise to provide continuous updates. Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
Thank you.