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ONION- Privacy Matters!
VIP Member
VoteCentral Founder
Jul 1, 2017
This wallet is outdated and has been replaced with the DeepOnion wallet 2.2.2

1-1-2021 SegWit Started

DeepOnion V2.2 Release is a mandatory upgrade

  • From 18th December wallets that are not 2.2+ (Protocol version less than 80017) will start being rejected from the network.
  • From the 25th December we will start generating blocks with a segwit merkle root, these blocks will be rejected by nodes with a protocol version less than 80017.
  • 1st January 2021 Segwit will activate and will become confirmed 60 blocks later confirming the fork has completed.
  • Stay tuned for updates

Version 2.2.0 is a mandatory upgrade in preparation of the incoming segwit activation.

So everyone is required to upgrade to this version as soon as possible, to avoid a possible fork during the segwit activation in January 2021.

Must upgrade before 14 December to avoid fork!

We are collecting new DeepSend node list with newest 2.2 wallets
Share your DeepSend nodes here.

This version includes the following enhancements:
  • segwit related fixes and updates
  • fixes and enhancements related to the p2sh-segwit and bech32 addresses
  • updated checkpoints
  • updated deeponion blockchain checkpoint (up to block 2208000) inside BTC blockchain
  • misc bug fixes

You can learn more about segwit from this thread

DeepOnion-qt-2.2.0-DV.exe is registered on the DeepOnion Blockchain as usual. Verify your download using DeepVault before running the executable.

Download DeepOnion Wallet 2.2 (Github links)

Download DeepOnion Wallet 2.2 (Windows)

DeepVault verification address: Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt

Download DeepOnion Wallet 2.2 (Mac) DeepOnion-Qt-DV-v2.2.0.dmg, (96661459 bytes)
DeepVault verification address: Dix4r1CHMKXHYxRrrPjQiDXRCBWyDRdKTe

Download DeepOnion Wallet 2.2 (Linux) DeepOnion-2.2.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz, (35759208 bytes)
DeepVault verification address: Dix4r1CHMKXHYxRrrPjQiDXRCBWyDRdKTe

DeepOnion Mobile Wallet - Coming Soon.

Virus scan report on the qt file for V2.2.0-DV (v2.2.0.0-0358cb6ea (DV)):
Virus scan report for non-DV version of 2.2.0 (v2.2.0.0-7e665e3f3):

@nezero @Bizul @bykardinal @Impressive


Super Level 2 Member
VoteCentral Founder
Aug 16, 2017
Some info regarding segwit. (Stolen from phore)

SegWit Offers Many Benefits That You May Not Be Aware Of:

1 – Transaction Malleability Fixes:

Transaction Malleability is an attack that lets someone change the unique ID of a transaction (txid) before it is confirmed on the network. SegWit fixes this by removing the signatures from the txid data, making it impossible for anyone to change the signature data. With SegWit, the txid is then calculated from data that cannot be changed.

Who benefits?

  • Wallet authors tracking spent coins: easier to monitor the status of your own outgoing transactions by looking up by txid.
  • Anyone spending unconfirmed transactions.
  • Developers benefit because a Lightning Network is less complicated to implement and makes it possible to run lightweight Lightning clients.
  • Anyone using the Blockchain because it is less complicated to design, understand and monitor.
2 – Linear Scaling of Sighash Operations

SegWit doubles the blocksize enabling faster transactions. However, doubling the size of a transaction can double both the number of signature operations and the amount of data that has to be hashed for each signature to be verified. Without SegWit, transactions scale quadratically. SegWit allows for linear scaling. With linear scaling, an individual block requires 25 seconds to validate, and a maliciously designed transactions could take over 3 minutes.

Who benefits?

  • Payments going to or from large groups. By increasing the block size, without also limiting transaction sizes, allows it to continue to support large payments.
3 – Signing Of Input Values With Hardware Wallets

When a hardware wallet signs a transaction, it can easily verify the exact amount being spent, but can only determine the fee by having a full copy of all the input transactions being spent. This requires the network to hash each input transaction to ensure it is not being fed false data. SegWit streamlines this by explicitly hashing the input value. This means hardware wallets can simply be given the transaction hash, index and value (and told the publickey used) and can safely sign the spending transaction no matter how large or complicated.

Who benefits?

  • Manufactures and users of hardware wallets.
  • “Internet of Things” applications because it is easier to use in small embedded devices.
4 – Script Versioning

Changes to scripting allows for both improved security and improved functionality. Scripting without SegWit only allows for backwards-compatible (soft-forking) changes to be implemented. With SetWit, a version number is included for scripts. By including a version number for scripts, additional opcodes that would have required a hard-fork, can instead be supported by simply increasing the script version. This avoids the necessity of a hard-fork for adding advanced features and functionality.

Who benefits?

  • Developers by making advance scripting easier to code and implement.
  • Everyone who owns any cryptocurrency by supporting sidechain interoperability between disparate blockchains, making crypto more flexible and functional.
  • Anyone who uses the network by enabling even “smarter”, more sophisticated smart contracts.
5 – Reducing Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) Growth

The UTXO is a database that is maintained by each validating node in order to determine if a new transaction is valid or fraudulent. The database needs to be fast to query and modify and should be as small in size (in bytes) as possible. The more users on the network, the more UTXO entries there are to maintain, growing the size of the database.
Segwit makes signature data that does not impact the UTXO size cost 75% less than data that does increase the UTXO size. This encourages developers to design smart contracts and new features in a way that minimizes the impact on the UTXO set size.

Who benefits?

  • Businesses and users who run full nodes, which in turn, helps maintain the current security of the network as more users enter the system.
  • Users and developers who help minimize the growth of the UTXO set will benefit from lower fees compared to those who ignore the impact of their transactions on UTXO growth
6 – Efficiency Gains When Not Verifying Signatures

The Blockchain network does not check signatures for transactions prior to the most recent checkpoint by default, trusting that has already been done by other nodes. Without SegWit, signature data is an integral part of the transaction and must be present to calculate the transaction hash.
Segregating the signature data allows nodes that aren’t interested in signature data to prune it from the disk, or to avoid downloading it in the first place, saving resources.

Who benefits?

  • People running pruned nodes will be able to operate with less bandwidth and disk space.
7 – Block Size Increase

Since old nodes will only download the witness-stripped block, they only enforce the 1 MB block size limit rule on that data. New nodes, which understand the full block with witness data, are therefore free to replace this limit with a new one, allowing for larger block sizes. SegWit raises the block size, after new cost limits are taken into account, to up to 2MB.

Who benefits?

  • Users who run upgraded wallets will be able to take advantage of the increased block size by moving signatures to the witness section of the transaction.


VIP Member
VoteCentral Founder
Jul 31, 2017

Idea Nakamoto

Super Level 2 Member
May 3, 2018
I heard of Segwit for years. But I came to learn about it and understand it through DeepOnion.
[doublepost=1604393307,1604393059][/doublepost]Anyway, please explain more about "to avoid a possible fork during the segwit activation".

- If one upgrade the wallet at 1 PC, then maintain another wallet of older version at another PC, will he have 2 DeepOnion: the old one (no Segwit), and the new one (Segwit) ?

- Otherwise, if he does not upgrade his wallet, he will only have old DeepOnion (no Segwit) and he will not have any DeepOnion (Segwit ?).


Super Level 3 Member
VIP Member
VoteCentral Founder
Dec 19, 2017
Anyway, please explain more about "to avoid a possible fork during the segwit activation".
The blockchain will split. At the set time there will be two chains:
- Old chain without segwit.
- New chain with segwit and code improvements.

Both chains will be active at the same time.
Those who continue running the old wallets will continue operating on the old chain.
Those who update to 2.2 will move to the new split chain with segwit and all code improvements.

All exchanges are operating on the new chain. Old wallets will not receive withdrawals from exchanges.
All stake rewards and transactions on the old chain will not be recognized by the newer wallets running 2.2.
Staking coins on the old chain is a waste of time because eventually the old chain will be abandoned and there is no way to move the stake rewards from the old chain to the new chain.


Super Level 3 Member
VIP Member
VoteCentral Founder
Dec 19, 2017
My operating system is windows 10, and the old wallet and the one just before 2.2
Let's try simple things first. From the menu at the top Help -> Debug window -> Console -> type: rescanblockchain

If that did't work, follow these steps:
1) Make a backup of both wallet.dat and the private keys. (Backup Guide)
2) Close the wallet then rename wallet.dat to wallet_copy.dat or something else.
3) Start the wallet again and the balance should be 0.
3) Import the addresses from your backup.
4) If the balance is still not fixed run rescanblockchain again.

The same steps are explained in more detail in this guide.
If you need assistance with any of the steps create a new support tickete.
Last edited:


ONION- Privacy Matters!
VIP Member
VoteCentral Founder
Thread Starter
Jul 1, 2017
It's good, it's resolved !!!

Thank you!! (y)
happy news
I like my support team they are the best!
Let's try simple things first. From the menu at the top Help -> Debug window -> Console -> type: rescanblockchain

If that did't work, follow these steps:
1) Make a backup of both wallet.dat and the private keys. (Backup Guide)
2) Close the wallet then rename wallet.dat to wallet_copy.dat or something else.
3) Start the wallet again and the balance should be 0.
3) Import the addresses from your backup.
4) If the balance is still not fixed run rescanblockchain again.

The same steps are explained in more detail in this guide.
If you need assistance with any of the steps create a new support tickete.
great work!
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