Musicoin to upgrade with blockchain hard fork

2 min readFeb 27, 2018



The Musicoin Project has announced the second major upgrade of its blockchain aiming to support enhanced security and more efficient transactions. Upgrade software will be released to the Musicoin Github repository soon, as the hard fork will be triggered at block 2,222,222. Once enabled, the hard fork will both reduce risks of replay attacks and enable users to securely store their assets with the Ledger Nano S and Trezor hard wallets and MyEtherWallet.

Since the genesis of its blockchain, Musicoin has upgraded successfully based on its blockchain roadmap, including support of Universal Basic Income (UBI), an industry first. Under the UBI economic model, a portion of mining rewards are reserved to allow artists to instantly receive 100% of streaming royalties with each play — ad-free, and at no cost to the listener. Since then, the entire MUSIC ecosystem has boomed several times, with the platform now hosting over 4,000 musicians.

Musicoin’s creator, Isaac Mao, praised the team for this major upgrade, “Our blockchain team has developed a perfect plan for this hard fork to enhance the infrastructure of the whole MUSIC economy. Following our 1.0 and 2.0 releases, this upgrade would mark a new start to wider adoption of this currency and MUSIC economy.”

Musicoin’s blockchain team has completed all of the prerequisite tests, and is ready to release the upgrade of the software toward this hardfork. Version 2.6 of the software will be released to their Github repository imminently.


Musicoin (MUSIC) is a smart cryptocurrency and music streaming platform built upon the Musicoin blockchain. Musicians and listeners worldwide are encouraged to visit Musicoin’s official website at

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