Pangolin Pangolin PNG
Show Coin Info
0.395779 USD
% Change
Market Cap
85.4M USD
876K USD
Circulating Supply
3252% from all time low
4663% to all time high
2618% from all time low
118% to all time high
40% are in circulation
Circulating Supply
Max Supply

Pangolin (PNG) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

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Pangolin Events on the Chart

What is Pangolin?

Pangolin is a multichain decentralized exchange (DEX) operating on the Avalanche Network, designed to provide users with advanced tooling, deep liquidity, and an easy onboarding process for a seamless trading experience.

The platform facilitates cryptocurrency swaps by leveraging the capabilities of the Avalanche Network to ensure fast and secure transactions. Pangolin aims to enhance user experience by offering intuitive interfaces and features that simplify the trading process for both new and experienced traders.

PNG is the native governance token of Pangolin, granting community members the power to influence the platform’s development. It adheres to a 100% community-focused distribution model, ensuring that all tokens are allocated directly to users with no reserves for advisors, investors, or insiders. This model promotes a decentralized and community-driven approach to the platform’s growth and governance.

2017-2024 Coindar