Zebi ZCO: Bounty Program
- You need to be a member of the Zebi Telegram community in order to participate in the program.
- After publishing the article/blog, you have to immediately send us an email at [email protected] with the submission of proof, your ETH address, and the details/link of the blog/article.
- The minimum word limit for each article/blog is 500 words.
- Only the best 5 entries of the blogs/articles received via email by Zebi team during the promotion week with the right hashtags will be considered for the token prize.
- A person can claim only 1 prize.
- The article should be an original piece of work and plagiarism will not be allowed.
- References and due credits for the images/text should be published at the end of each article.
- Team Zebi will review the articles/blogs, publish them on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and reward the member with a prize of 1000 tokens per article.
- The prize money will be transferred to your ETH address on the last working day of the month.