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Decentral Games DG: Torneo
Decentral Games ha anunciado una colaboración con NFTdraft para una máscara personalizada de ICE Poker. Esta asociación también incluye un torneo copatrocinado con un pozo de premios superior a $3,000. El torneo está programado para el 26 de julio a las 17:00 UTC.
Los participantes que posean NFTdraft, Crown y Sceptre recibirán un airdrop de aspecto gratis y serán elegibles para competir en el torneo. Cada aspecto de NFTdraft vendrá con 12 Shine, lo que permitirá a los titulares participar en torneos de SNG. Los mejores jugadores con un aspecto NFTdraft que obtengan la mayor cantidad de insignias de 3 torneos Shine SNG recibirán varios premios NFTdraft, WAX e ICE Poker.
Fecha del evento: 26 de julio de 2023 17:00 UTC
Decentral Games So I just gotta go grab one of those free promo packs and then I'll get the 12 shine skin to participate in the tournament?
Decentral Games
We've partnered with NFTdraft for a custom ICE Poker skin—and we're co-hosting a tournament with $3,000+ in prizes!
All NFTdraft, Crown, and Scepter holders will get a free skin airdrop and be able to compete
The tournament will take place on july 26 5pm UTC (1pm EST)
Each NFTdraft skin will come with 12 Shine so you can enter SNG tournaments
The top players with an NFTdraft skin who win the most badges from 3 Shine SNG tournaments will win various NFTdraft, $WAX, and ICE Poker prizes
All NFTdraft, Crown, and Scepter holders will get a free skin airdrop and be able to compete
The tournament will take place on july 26 5pm UTC (1pm EST)
Each NFTdraft skin will come with 12 Shine so you can enter SNG tournaments
The top players with an NFTdraft skin who win the most badges from 3 Shine SNG tournaments will win various NFTdraft, $WAX, and ICE Poker prizes
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Ahora (Añadido hace 1 año)
Este evento está a punto de comenzar
20 jul. 08:10 (UTC)