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Digital Files DIFI: Quema de tokens
La quema de tokens se llevará a cabo pronto
Fecha del evento: mayo de 2023 UTC
?Que es la quema de monedas (tokens)?
Una quema de monedas (tokens) es un proceso de envio de una cierta cantidad de criptomonedas a una direccion publica que tiene claves privadas inalcanzables. En el futuro, las monedas enviadas no se podran gastar, por lo que la quema de monedas conduce a una disminucion general en la oferta de criptomonedas en circulacion.
DIFI MarketPlace
📢 Exciting news for the DIFI community!
The Final Tests for the DIFI Bridge from BSC to ETH and vice versa are complete.
within 48 hours, the bridge will be launched, making ETH the second network for DIFI.
#DIFI #ETH #BSC #BridgeLaunch #Neuralink $DIFI
The Final Tests for the DIFI Bridge from BSC to ETH and vice versa are complete.
within 48 hours, the bridge will be launched, making ETH the second network for DIFI.
#DIFI #ETH #BSC #BridgeLaunch #Neuralink $DIFI
DIFI MarketPlace
Get ready for the launch of the Digital Files market and trading on ETH.
The bridge will create and burn DIFI when they are transferred. Stay tuned!
We want to assure our community that the total circulating supply of DIFI will always remain at 10 million.
The bridge will create and burn DIFI when they are transferred. Stay tuned!
We want to assure our community that the total circulating supply of DIFI will always remain at 10 million.
Este evento está a punto de comenzar
26 may. 17:22 (UTC)