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MarsDAO MDAO: Finaliza la competencia comercial en MEXC
MEXC, en colaboración con MarsDAO, está organizando una emocionante competencia comercial. El concurso cuenta con un fondo de premios inicial de 250 USDT.
Sin embargo, dado que el volumen de negocios de los participantes registrados a través del enlace MarsDAO supera los 5 millones de USDT, cada volumen de negocios posterior de 1 millón dará como resultado un aumento de 25 USDT en el fondo de premios. Esta competencia promete ser una oportunidad emocionante para que los comerciantes demuestren sus habilidades y, potencialmente, ganen recompensas adicionales en función de su desempeño comercial.
Fecha del evento: 9 de julio de 2023 UTC
🏆 We're launching a series of sprint tournaments with our partners — @MEXC_Official
During the month of july we will hold short sprint tournaments together with #MEXC, and at the end of each week the top 3 traders of the tournament in a certain category will share the prize money!
🗓 On 03.07.2023, the first sprint week dedicated to PnL will start. At the end of the week (09.07.2023) 3 traders with the best #PnL indicator (in %) will share the prize pool.
The prize fund at the beginning of the week has a fixed value, but it will increase during the week.
📈 The initial prize fund is 250 $USDT, but once the trading turnover of the traders registered via the #MarsDAO link exceeds 5 mln $USDT, every next 1 mln turnover will increase the prize fund by 25 $USDT.
Read more about the distribution of the prize pool, the accrual of winnings, the next tournaments, and how we and you can affect the prize value in the posts in the closed channel Utushkin futures by following the link to the special bot
😉 Anyone who has registered for #MEXC via our link can participate in the tournament.
👉 Registration link:
During the month of july we will hold short sprint tournaments together with #MEXC, and at the end of each week the top 3 traders of the tournament in a certain category will share the prize money!
🗓 On 03.07.2023, the first sprint week dedicated to PnL will start. At the end of the week (09.07.2023) 3 traders with the best #PnL indicator (in %) will share the prize pool.
The prize fund at the beginning of the week has a fixed value, but it will increase during the week.
📈 The initial prize fund is 250 $USDT, but once the trading turnover of the traders registered via the #MarsDAO link exceeds 5 mln $USDT, every next 1 mln turnover will increase the prize fund by 25 $USDT.
Read more about the distribution of the prize pool, the accrual of winnings, the next tournaments, and how we and you can affect the prize value in the posts in the closed channel Utushkin futures by following the link to the special bot
😉 Anyone who has registered for #MEXC via our link can participate in the tournament.
👉 Registration link:
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Este evento está a punto de comenzar
4 jul. 10:06 (UTC)