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Perpetual Protocol PERP: Token Rewards Adjustments
Perpetual Protocol está cambiando sus recompensas de tokens OP para el programa de fiesta en la piscina Perp v.2.0. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo reasignar el presupuesto de recompensas para facilitar mejor el lanzamiento y la expansión de Perp v.3.0. A partir del 11 de marzo, las recompensas del token OP se modificarán según el nuevo cronograma. Cabe señalar que después del 1 de abril, las recompensas semanales continuarán según las cifras del 1 de abril hasta que se proporcionen más actualizaciones.
Fecha del evento: Del 11 mar. al 1 abr. 2024 UTC
Perpetual Protocol (✨🔴_🔴✨)
Pool Party Update 🏖️
As we gear up for the exciting launch of Perp v3, we're making some adjustments to our OP token rewards for the Perp v2 Pool Party program. This strategic shift is designed to reallocate our rewards budget to better support the launch and growth of Perp v3.
🗓️ Starting March 11, the OP token rewards will be adjusted according to the new schedule (see attached table). Note: After Apr 1, weekly rewards will continue according to the Apr 1 numbers until further notice.
We're thrilled about the upcoming launch of Perp v3 and appreciate your continued support as we evolve!
As we gear up for the exciting launch of Perp v3, we're making some adjustments to our OP token rewards for the Perp v2 Pool Party program. This strategic shift is designed to reallocate our rewards budget to better support the launch and growth of Perp v3.
🗓️ Starting March 11, the OP token rewards will be adjusted according to the new schedule (see attached table). Note: After Apr 1, weekly rewards will continue according to the Apr 1 numbers until further notice.
We're thrilled about the upcoming launch of Perp v3 and appreciate your continued support as we evolve!
El precio de PERP cambia después de la publicación del evento
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2 días
Ahora (Añadido hace 1 año)
Este evento está a punto de comenzar
5 mar. 17:25 (UTC)