The Graph The Graph GRT
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1,29B USD
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774 % del mínimo histórico
366 % del máximo histórico
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The Graph GRT: Campaña Gráfico en el Campus

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The Graph está lanzando una nueva iniciativa llamada Graph on Campus. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo educar a estudiantes y profesores de más de 30 campus en todo el mundo sobre los fundamentos de la creación de potentes aplicaciones descentralizadas (dApps) utilizando The Graph.

Como parte de esta iniciativa, The Graph Foundation colaborará con clubes internos de blockchain y otras organizaciones académicas para facilitar eventos y talleres de un día en el campus. The Graph on Campus también incluirá introducciones a blockchains, web3 y The Graph, así como talleres sobre cómo crear una dapp con The Graph. Además, The Graph Foundation ofrece recompensas por valor de hasta $ 2500 durante un hackathon de una semana donde los estudiantes explorarán diferentes formas de usar The Graph para casos de uso de infraestructura de dapp y análisis.

Fecha del evento: Del 28 sep. al 16 nov. 2023 UTC
The Graph
The Graph Foundation is excited to begin a new chapter of ecosystem growth with the launch of Graph On Campus 🧑‍🎓

The Graph is going on tour worldwide with Graph on Campus to ignite the passion in budding web3 leaders, recruit new builders, arm them with practical know-how, & unlock a universe of opportunities in the ecosystem 🌐

Students & faculty across 30+ campuses globally will learn the fundamentals of how to build powerful dapps via The Graph.

The Foundation will collaborate with in-house blockchain clubs, & other academic organizations to facilitate one-day events & workshop on campus!
Graph on Campus will include:

🧑‍🏫 Introductions to blockchains, web3 & The Graph
🏗️ Workshops: How to build a dapp with The Graph
🤝 Meet & Greets with snacks!

To help builders get started on their web3 journey, The Graph Foundation is providing up to $2,500 worth of bounties during a 1-week hackathon! Students will hack on different ways to use The Graph for analytics as well as explore dapp & infrastructure use cases.

🇮🇳 The Graph on Campus is also supporting Push Protocol | Push V2 is LIVE’s Billion Reasons to Build campaign, an 18-city educational hackathon in India, with over $50,000 in prizes! Learn more about the Billion Reasons to Build campaign & find an event near you here or follow the hash #BRBIndia.

See you on campus!

PS. read the comment below to learn where The Graph on Campus will be!
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28 sep. 17:51 (UTC)
2017-2025 Coindar