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Aethir ATH: एयरड्रॉप
एथिर ने चेकर नोड ऑपरेटरों के लिए अपने सामुदायिक बोनस रिवॉर्ड प्रोग्राम की शुरुआत की घोषणा की है। यह प्रोग्राम, जो अभी-अभी लाइव हुआ है, में दावे के लिए $20 मिलियन ATH टोकन उपलब्ध हैं। नोड धारकों के पास इन रिवॉर्ड का दावा करने के लिए 15 दिन का समय है। बोनस उत्सर्जन का पहला सप्ताह उन लोगों के लिए पात्र है जिन्होंने 31 जुलाई को 23:59 UTC तक ATH-AI पूल में दांव लगाया है।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 31 जुलाई से 15 अगस्त 2024 UTC
Checker Node Holders’ Community Bonus Rewards Claims are Live 🎉
🚀 Node Holders, the Aethir Community Bonus Rewards Program has just gone LIVE. There are $20M in ATH tokens available to be claimed by our Checker Node Operators.
🏆 Claim your rewards on the Ethereum network here 🔗: https://massdrop.multisender.app/airdrop/rqng6ja15g
Note: Users have 15 days to claim these rewards!
That's not all. To earn even more from the second portion of the Community Bonus Rewards, you can stake the checker node ATH bonus into the Aethir Staking platform to earn from an additional $30M reward pool.
Details below:
📅 After claiming your rewards, stake them in the ATH-AI pool anytime to earn for the next 6 months of bonus AI pool emissions at https://stake.aethir.com/dashboard?pool=1
🚩 First week of bonus emissions are eligible for those that staked in the ATH-AI pool by 23:59 UTC on July 31st
🪂 Node holders who staked and held their ATH in Season 1 of our airdrop as well as during the Community Bonus Rewards Program will receive additional airdrops in Seasons 2 and 3. 👀
With the support of our Node Operators, Aethir is building the largest decentralized infrastructure network in the space 🌐
Checker Node bonus rewards were distributed according to:
1️⃣ All checker node holders receive a base set of ATH rewards!
2️⃣ Extra bonus ATH are available to node holders who also have staked ATH between our token launch and the last snapshot on July 23 💎
Again, the bonus rewards are claimable now on the Ethereum chain: https://massdrop.multisender.app/airdrop/rqng6ja15g
🚀 Node Holders, the Aethir Community Bonus Rewards Program has just gone LIVE. There are $20M in ATH tokens available to be claimed by our Checker Node Operators.
🏆 Claim your rewards on the Ethereum network here 🔗: https://massdrop.multisender.app/airdrop/rqng6ja15g
Note: Users have 15 days to claim these rewards!
That's not all. To earn even more from the second portion of the Community Bonus Rewards, you can stake the checker node ATH bonus into the Aethir Staking platform to earn from an additional $30M reward pool.
Details below:
📅 After claiming your rewards, stake them in the ATH-AI pool anytime to earn for the next 6 months of bonus AI pool emissions at https://stake.aethir.com/dashboard?pool=1
🚩 First week of bonus emissions are eligible for those that staked in the ATH-AI pool by 23:59 UTC on July 31st
🪂 Node holders who staked and held their ATH in Season 1 of our airdrop as well as during the Community Bonus Rewards Program will receive additional airdrops in Seasons 2 and 3. 👀
With the support of our Node Operators, Aethir is building the largest decentralized infrastructure network in the space 🌐
Checker Node bonus rewards were distributed according to:
1️⃣ All checker node holders receive a base set of ATH rewards!
2️⃣ Extra bonus ATH are available to node holders who also have staked ATH between our token launch and the last snapshot on July 23 💎
Again, the bonus rewards are claimable now on the Ethereum chain: https://massdrop.multisender.app/airdrop/rqng6ja15g
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद ATH के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
1 दिन
2 दिन
अब (7 महीने पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
31 जुलाई 16:44 (UTC)