Baby Doge Coin
सदस्यता लें
कॉइन की जानकारी दिखाएं
0.000000002 USD
% परिवर्तन
बाज़ार पूंजीकरण
312M USD
25.8M USD
परिचालित आपूर्ति
Baby Doge Coin BABYDOGE: सोलाना पर लॉन्च
बेबी डोगे कॉइन ने सोलाना नेटवर्क पर अपने टोकन को तैनात करने के लिए सोलाना ब्रिज का विकास शुरू कर दिया है। यह प्रक्रिया वर्तमान में विकास के चरण में है, जिसमें सोलाना-संगत बेबीडोगे टोकन स्मार्ट अनुबंध का निर्माण शामिल है। अगले चरणों में निर्बाध संचालन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एक गहन परीक्षण चरण शामिल है, जिसके बाद सोलाना पर अनुबंध की तैनाती की जाएगी। अंत में, ETH, BNB चेन और सोलाना के बीच पुल शुरू किए जाएंगे।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 05 सितम्बर 2024 UTC
UPDATE: Development of our Solana bridge has started to deploy the BabyDoge token on Solana! ✅
Here's what’s next in our development phases:
✅ Research phase: Research started to ensure a smooth transition and deployment on Solana.
✅ Development phase: Development of the Solana-compatible BabyDoge token smart contract.
🔜 Testing phase: Thorough testing to ensure everything runs seamlessly.
🔜 Deployment phase: Deploying the contract on Solana.
🔜 Token bridges: Initiating bridges between ETH, BNB Chain, and Solana.
💡Why Solana: Ethereum can be expensive to transact on, and not all tier 1 centralized exchanges support BNB Chain. Solana offers low transaction costs, which can lead to more on-chain activity, making it perfect for our community and tier 1 centralized exchanges.
Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support!
❗️ Note: NOTHING is live yet. No migration is needed. Be cautious of scams. The circulating supply will remain the same. We will post all updates here, on our X.
Here's what’s next in our development phases:
✅ Research phase: Research started to ensure a smooth transition and deployment on Solana.
✅ Development phase: Development of the Solana-compatible BabyDoge token smart contract.
🔜 Testing phase: Thorough testing to ensure everything runs seamlessly.
🔜 Deployment phase: Deploying the contract on Solana.
🔜 Token bridges: Initiating bridges between ETH, BNB Chain, and Solana.
💡Why Solana: Ethereum can be expensive to transact on, and not all tier 1 centralized exchanges support BNB Chain. Solana offers low transaction costs, which can lead to more on-chain activity, making it perfect for our community and tier 1 centralized exchanges.
Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support!
❗️ Note: NOTHING is live yet. No migration is needed. Be cautious of scams. The circulating supply will remain the same. We will post all updates here, on our X.
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद BABYDOGE के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
अब (5 महीने पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
9 अगस्त 00:39 (UTC)