Baby Grok
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कॉइन की जानकारी दिखाएं
% परिवर्तन
बाज़ार पूंजीकरण
933K USD
52.7K USD
परिचालित आपूर्ति
Baby Grok BABYGROK: उपहार
बेबी ग्रोक अपने शीर्ष 1000 धारकों के यादृच्छिक चयन को विभिन्न पुरस्कारों से पुरस्कृत करने की योजना बना रहा है। पुरस्कारों में हुडी, मग, पेन, नकदी और यहां तक कि एक स्मार्टफोन जैसी वस्तुएं शामिल हैं। चयन 25 दिसंबर को लिए गए स्नैपशॉट पर आधारित होगा।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 25 दिसम्बर 2023 UTC
Baby Grok xmas Exclusive Rewards for Random Top 1000 Holders
Dear Baby Grok community,
In the spirit of holiday cheer, we are excited to announce the Baby Grok xmas Rewards for our valued holders! A random selection of the Top 1000 holders will have the chance to win a fantastic array of prizes, including: hoodies, mugs, pens, cash, and even a smartphone.
The snapshot for the rewards will be taken on December 25th. Be sure to hold your tokens until then to be eligible for this exciting giveaway! Winners will be contacted with details on how to claim their prizes.
Thank you for your continued support, and we wish you a joyful Baby Grok xmas celebration!
Dear Baby Grok community,
In the spirit of holiday cheer, we are excited to announce the Baby Grok xmas Rewards for our valued holders! A random selection of the Top 1000 holders will have the chance to win a fantastic array of prizes, including: hoodies, mugs, pens, cash, and even a smartphone.
The snapshot for the rewards will be taken on December 25th. Be sure to hold your tokens until then to be eligible for this exciting giveaway! Winners will be contacted with details on how to claim their prizes.
Thank you for your continued support, and we wish you a joyful Baby Grok xmas celebration!
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