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Auction: मोनेट एनएफटी नीलामी
बाउंस ब्रांड ने क्लाउड मोनेट की पेंटिंग से प्रेरित एक अनूठी डिजिटल कलाकृति की नीलामी की घोषणा की है। 19 नवंबर को 4:00 UTC पर होने वाला यह कार्यक्रम सियोलऑक्शन ब्लू और बाउंसबिट के बीच सहयोग से आयोजित किया जा रहा है। आयोजकों ने क्लासिक कला को अभिनव ब्लॉकचेन तकनीक के साथ मिलाने का वादा किया है।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 19 नवम्बर 2024 4:00 UTC
Bounce Brand
🚨Pre-Auction Events for the Monet’s Paysage Auction are now LIVE!
🔒Stake #AUCTION & #stBB to farm Memeory Coin allocations: https://club.bouncebit.io/farm
You’ll be able to unstake and claim Memeory Coin allocations on Nov 23. The earlier and the more you stake, the more allocations you’ll receive.
🎰Guess the final price of Monet’s Paysage for a chance to win the prize pool: https://app.bounce.finance/real-auction/monet
Time: November 18 – November 19, 4:00 AM UTC
Bid Price: 10 AUCTION or 500 BB per guess
Number of Bids per Address: Unlimited
Base Prize Pool: 888 AUCTION + 8888 BB
Each bid contributes to the prize pool. Addresses that guess the price correctly will share the accumulated prize pool, with rewards proportionate to the amount of bids placed.
🔒Stake #AUCTION & #stBB to farm Memeory Coin allocations: https://club.bouncebit.io/farm
You’ll be able to unstake and claim Memeory Coin allocations on Nov 23. The earlier and the more you stake, the more allocations you’ll receive.
🎰Guess the final price of Monet’s Paysage for a chance to win the prize pool: https://app.bounce.finance/real-auction/monet
Time: November 18 – November 19, 4:00 AM UTC
Bid Price: 10 AUCTION or 500 BB per guess
Number of Bids per Address: Unlimited
Base Prize Pool: 888 AUCTION + 8888 BB
Each bid contributes to the prize pool. Addresses that guess the price correctly will share the accumulated prize pool, with rewards proportionate to the amount of bids placed.
Bounce Brand
The official auction of Monet’s Paysage will commence at 4AM UTC on nov 19.
Details: https://bouncefinance.medium.com/bounce-brand-partners-with-seoulauction-blue-and-bouncebit-to-present-the-first-on-chain-auction-of-5554e538d39b
Details: https://bouncefinance.medium.com/bounce-brand-partners-with-seoulauction-blue-and-bouncebit-to-present-the-first-on-chain-auction-of-5554e538d39b
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद AUCTION के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
1 दिन
2 दिन
अब (3 महीने पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
18 नवम्बर 16:46 (UTC)