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कॉइन की जानकारी दिखाएं
Cripco IP3: OOZ स्पेस प्लेटफ़ॉर्म लॉन्च
क्रिप्को ने अपने नए प्लेटफॉर्म OOZ स्पेस के लॉन्च की घोषणा की है। प्लेटफ़ॉर्म को OOZ धारकों के लिए कई प्रकार की सेवाएँ प्रदान करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, जिसमें Mad-icine नामक एक नए उत्पाद का दावा करने की क्षमता, उनके OOZ और साथियों की शैली को बदलना, उनके NFT की दुर्लभता की जाँच करना, धारक लीडरबोर्ड को देखना और बातचीत करना शामिल है। अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं के साथ.
ईवेंट की तिथि: 20 दिसम्बर 2023 UTC
🥳 Mates, OOZ’s biggest milestone for 2023 is happening starting now! IS LIVE!
This is your go-to platform to:
🔸 claim Mad-icine (a hint for you: Mad-icine is just the first serum of many to come)
🔹 change the style of your OOZ & mates
🔸 check NFT rarity
🔹 view the holder leaderboard
🔸 and of course hang out with your mates!
Explore it all now! 😈
Moreover, this is just the beginning! We will be adding new utility and benefits for OOZ holders in our future updates.
FYI During the first two weeks after goes live — from Dec 20, 2023 to Jan 2, 2024 — OOZ Prank rankers No. 101-359 have the priority claim time for Mad-icine.
P.S.: In order to be able to claim Mad-icine, OOZ Spaceship NFT holders need to reveal first:
P.P.S.: Holders of NFT on Solana need to migrate to Ethereum ASAP. The last Migration airdrop will happen on December 27, 2023. Act before then: IS LIVE!
This is your go-to platform to:
🔸 claim Mad-icine (a hint for you: Mad-icine is just the first serum of many to come)
🔹 change the style of your OOZ & mates
🔸 check NFT rarity
🔹 view the holder leaderboard
🔸 and of course hang out with your mates!
Explore it all now! 😈
Moreover, this is just the beginning! We will be adding new utility and benefits for OOZ holders in our future updates.
FYI During the first two weeks after goes live — from Dec 20, 2023 to Jan 2, 2024 — OOZ Prank rankers No. 101-359 have the priority claim time for Mad-icine.
P.S.: In order to be able to claim Mad-icine, OOZ Spaceship NFT holders need to reveal first:
P.P.S.: Holders of NFT on Solana need to migrate to Ethereum ASAP. The last Migration airdrop will happen on December 27, 2023. Act before then:
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
20 दिसम्बर 19:05 (UTC)