Cudos Cudos CUDOS
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104M USD
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अब तक के सबसे निचले स्तर से 1378%
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74% संचलन में हैं
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Cudos: नेटवर्क अपग्रेड

कैलेंडर में जोड़ें
शेयर करें

कुडोस नोशनल वेंचर्स के सहयोग से अपने ब्लॉकचेन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण नेटवर्क अपग्रेड लागू करने की प्रक्रिया में है। अपग्रेड में कॉसमॉस एसडीके के साथ तालमेल बिठाना, बैकएंड इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर को बढ़ाना और कॉसमॉस इकोसिस्टम के साथ एकीकरण करना शामिल है। इसका उद्देश्य कॉसमॉस पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के भीतर कार्यक्षमता, अंतरसंचालनीयता और लेनदेन की सुगमता में सुधार करना है।

ईवेंट की तिथि: दिसम्बर, 2023 UTC
We're actively working on major network upgrades for the CUDOS Blockchain together with Notional Ventures 🦾 Here's a glimpse of what's happening, with more detailed insights coming your way in the next couple of weeks!

🛠️ Realigning with the #Cosmos SDK:

The CUDOS blockchain currently uses a fork of the CosmosSDK and some modules. We are looking to migrate to the mainline SDK to enhance functionality and align with best practices. Starting with an upgrade to v0.45.16, subsequent updates to catch up to the most recent CosmosSDK version will ensure we stay on the bleeding edge of the Cosmos.

🌉 The CUDOS Bridge Realignment with the Core Module:

As part of our evolution, we're also realigning our fork of the gravity module used for the CUDOS Bridge with the mainline module. This aligns us with the great work that the Gravity Bridge team has been doing. This paves the way for enhanced interoperability and seamless transactions within the Cosmos ecosystem.

🔧 Backend Infrastructure Enhancements:

Stay tuned for details on backend infra changes, including a shift to a different chain indexer for better performance on our dApps and Explorer. These improvements will optimise automation and elevate our internal systems and monitoring. We are currently assessing which indexer to use, along with Notional. Shill us your indexer and we’ll consider it! Bro_n_Bro, what do you have for us? 😉

⚡ Faster, Smoother Upgrades:

Our revamped infrastructure management will ensure faster, smoother upgrades, keeping us at the forefront of Cosmos innovations. Our decision to stage the network upgrades, rather than perform a monolithic upgrade, will reduce the likelihood of downtime as we minimise any error plane.

🌐 Integrating with #Cosmos Ecosystem:

While preserving core features, we're updating libraries to Cosmos' latest standards, fostering better collaboration with projects in the Cosmos ecosystem. This positions the launch of CUDOS Blockchain Compute for the next Interchain frontier!
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद CUDOS के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
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2 दिन
अब (1 साल पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
के द्वारा जोड़ा गया Alika
29 नवम्बर 18:38 (UTC)
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