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ELYSIA: Twitter पर AMA
वास्तविक दुनिया की संपत्ति (आरडब्ल्यूए) टोकनाइजेशन की जटिलताओं और विकेंद्रीकृत वित्त (डीएफआई) पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र में इसके एकीकरण के बारे में जानने के लिए एलिसिया 29 जून को ट्विटर पर एएमए आयोजित करेगी।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 29 जून 2023 7:00 UTC
AMA क्या होता है?
AMA (मुझसे कुछ भी पूछें) आम तौर पर एक ऑनलाइन अनौपचारिक संवादात्मक बैठक है जहां प्रतिभागी अतिथि प्रश्न पूछने और रियल टाइम में उत्तर पाने के लिए स्वतंत्र होते हैं।
📢 Join the Discussion Today!
🗓 Date: June 29th, 2023
⏰ Time: 4:00pm (KST)
🌐 Where: Twitter Space
🔗 Link: https://link3.to/e/1ls7TB
🎙 Topic: "Challenges of Tokenizing RWAs into DeFi"
🌐🔥 Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to expand your knowledge and engage with our team!
Today, we're diving into the intricacies of real-world asset (RWA) tokenization and its integration into the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
Join us for an insightful discussion as we address the challenges and opportunities in this exciting field.
🔍 Stay tuned and let's explore the exciting world of real-world asset tokenization together!
#ELYSIA #RealAssetTokenization #DeFi #NFPanel #BTSLabs #Blockchain #Crypto #Tokenization #JoinTheDiscussion
🗓 Date: June 29th, 2023
⏰ Time: 4:00pm (KST)
🌐 Where: Twitter Space
🔗 Link: https://link3.to/e/1ls7TB
🎙 Topic: "Challenges of Tokenizing RWAs into DeFi"
🌐🔥 Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to expand your knowledge and engage with our team!
Today, we're diving into the intricacies of real-world asset (RWA) tokenization and its integration into the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
Join us for an insightful discussion as we address the challenges and opportunities in this exciting field.
🔍 Stay tuned and let's explore the exciting world of real-world asset tokenization together!
#ELYSIA #RealAssetTokenization #DeFi #NFPanel #BTSLabs #Blockchain #Crypto #Tokenization #JoinTheDiscussion
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
29 जून 06:55 (UTC)