Enjin Coin
सदस्यता लें
कॉइन की जानकारी दिखाएं
0.219191 USD
% परिवर्तन
बाज़ार पूंजीकरण
391M USD
30.8M USD
परिचालित आपूर्ति
Enjin Coin ENJ: ईएनजे उत्खननकर्ता लॉन्च
एनजिन कॉइन को केपिथोर स्टूडियो द्वारा विकसित आगामी मोबाइल गेम ईएनजे एक्सकेवेटर में एकीकृत किया जाएगा। रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दो घंटे में पूरा हुआ यह एकीकरण, वेब3 दुनिया में गति के लिए एक नया मानक स्थापित करता है। यह गेम डेवलपर्स को इन-गेम लेनदेन पर स्वचालित हस्ताक्षर, सुव्यवस्थित प्लेयर ऑनबोर्डिंग और प्ले-टू-अर्न मैकेनिक्स और टोकन प्रबंधन के निर्बाध एकीकरण जैसी सुविधाओं के साथ सशक्त बनाता है। ENJ एक्सकेवेटर 5 मार्च को Google Play पर लॉन्च होगा।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 05 मार्च 2024 UTC
ENJ Excavators completed its Enjin Blockchain Integration in just 2 hours… Is this a Web3 world record? 🤯
Kepithor Studios is not stopping there. They’ve also opened the portal for adoption by creating a Quick Start Guide that any game can use to adopt Enjin in hours.
It’s so good that it’s featured on the front page of Enjin’s documentation!
Check it out: https://docs.enjin.io/docs/first-steps-start-here
This guide teaches game devs how to:
✍ Automatically sign on-chain transactions from their games and apps.
💳 Onboard players easily using managed wallets.
🌟 Integrate effortless play-to-mint mechanics that mainstream players will love.
🏛️ Add simple token deposits and withdrawals into games.
With great Web3 gaming minds working alongside the Enjin Community, players will be able to enjoy some of the best gaming experiences of their lives.
This is just the beginning. So much more to come.
ENJ Excavators is launching on Google Play on march 5, 2024! 🎮
Sign-up now for the waitlist:
What Enjin tutorials would you like to see next? 👇
Kepithor Studios is not stopping there. They’ve also opened the portal for adoption by creating a Quick Start Guide that any game can use to adopt Enjin in hours.
It’s so good that it’s featured on the front page of Enjin’s documentation!
Check it out: https://docs.enjin.io/docs/first-steps-start-here
This guide teaches game devs how to:
✍ Automatically sign on-chain transactions from their games and apps.
💳 Onboard players easily using managed wallets.
🌟 Integrate effortless play-to-mint mechanics that mainstream players will love.
🏛️ Add simple token deposits and withdrawals into games.
With great Web3 gaming minds working alongside the Enjin Community, players will be able to enjoy some of the best gaming experiences of their lives.
This is just the beginning. So much more to come.
ENJ Excavators is launching on Google Play on march 5, 2024! 🎮
Sign-up now for the waitlist:
What Enjin tutorials would you like to see next? 👇
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद ENJ के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
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