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Neurai XNA: Telegram पर AMA
गेट.आईओ के सहयोग से नेउराई 11 जनवरी को टेलीग्राम पर एएमए आयोजित करेगा।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 11 जनवरी 2024 UTC
AMA क्या होता है?
AMA (मुझसे कुछ भी पूछें) आम तौर पर एक ऑनलाइन अनौपचारिक संवादात्मक बैठक है जहां प्रतिभागी अतिथि प्रश्न पूछने और रियल टाइम में उत्तर पाने के लिए स्वतंत्र होते हैं।
NeurAI Project / XNA
✨ Things we have done this week ✨
📍 We have talked to our lawyers about establishing our company in Spain, where some of the founders reside.
📍The time it will take will be about 45-60 days, maybe less.
📍We are looking for a name to formally register it.
📍We are continuing with the development of our prototype and everything is going very well.
📍On the 11th there will be a voice AMA with Gate where one of the founders will speak.
📍We have updated the official web wallet.
📍We have reopened the donation for a future large exchange for the future (this appears in our roadmap).
📍We have already started to add documentation of the project and this week we will be able to show you the results.
✨ AMA in Telegram ✨
Today we did an special AMA due to the large number of questions asked about the price drop.
We will work whether the price goes down or up, but we understand that people may be afraid for this.
We have answered all the questions we have been asked and tomorrow we will put it on Medium, but in the meantime you can see it on our Telegram.
TG: https://t.me/neuraiproject/31849/78278
✨ About FUD everyday ✨
From the first day we started we had FUD from several people and we have been like this since then. If it is not an issue it is another issue, but according to these people, we should have disappeared in June 2023, but we are still here and we will continue.
We have a clear objective and nobody is going to stop us from trying to achieve it. We know that the price is important, but it will not be what conditions us to continue working on what we are passionate about and on ideas that others do not have.
We will always be open to answer questions as we have done today and we really hope we have answered all your questions 🙏
#Neurai #XNA $XNA #Layer1 #IoT #AI
📍 We have talked to our lawyers about establishing our company in Spain, where some of the founders reside.
📍The time it will take will be about 45-60 days, maybe less.
📍We are looking for a name to formally register it.
📍We are continuing with the development of our prototype and everything is going very well.
📍On the 11th there will be a voice AMA with Gate where one of the founders will speak.
📍We have updated the official web wallet.
📍We have reopened the donation for a future large exchange for the future (this appears in our roadmap).
📍We have already started to add documentation of the project and this week we will be able to show you the results.
✨ AMA in Telegram ✨
Today we did an special AMA due to the large number of questions asked about the price drop.
We will work whether the price goes down or up, but we understand that people may be afraid for this.
We have answered all the questions we have been asked and tomorrow we will put it on Medium, but in the meantime you can see it on our Telegram.
TG: https://t.me/neuraiproject/31849/78278
✨ About FUD everyday ✨
From the first day we started we had FUD from several people and we have been like this since then. If it is not an issue it is another issue, but according to these people, we should have disappeared in June 2023, but we are still here and we will continue.
We have a clear objective and nobody is going to stop us from trying to achieve it. We know that the price is important, but it will not be what conditions us to continue working on what we are passionate about and on ideas that others do not have.
We will always be open to answer questions as we have done today and we really hope we have answered all your questions 🙏
#Neurai #XNA $XNA #Layer1 #IoT #AI
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद XNA के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
1 दिन
2 दिन
अब (1 साल पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
8 जनवरी 07:35 (UTC)