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SafeMoon SFM: SafeMoon Card लॉन्च
सेफमून ने यूनाइटेड किंगडम के निवासियों के लिए वर्चुअल सेफमून कार्ड लॉन्च किया। कार्ड उपयोगकर्ताओं को सेफमून वॉलेट ऐप के भीतर अपनी डिजिटल मुद्राओं को सुरक्षित रूप से प्रबंधित करने की अनुमति देता है। यह खरीदारी के लिए विभिन्न डिजिटल मुद्राओं का उपयोग करने का लचीलापन प्रदान करता है, जहां भी मास्टरकार्ड स्वीकार किया जाता है, वहां खर्च करने पर फिएट मुद्रा में तुरंत रूपांतरण होता है।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 30 अगस्त 2023 UTC
We are excited to share the Virtual #SAFEMOONCARD is NOW LIVE for residents in the UK, with additional locations on the way! today, you are invited to create your full account and order your virtual version of the card as part of our initial roll out! 🙌
Create your account: https://safemoon.com/card
The SafeMoon Card offers the flexibility of using various digital currencies for your purchases with instant conversion to FIAT upon spending wherever MasterCard is accepted!
Let's explore some of the features:
1️⃣ Securely manage your SafeMoon Card directly within the #SAFEMOONWALLET App
2️⃣ Prioritize and choose the order in which you use your digital currencies for spending
3️⃣ Freeze and unfreeze your card with ease for optimal security
4️⃣ Download statements for comprehensive transaction tracking
5️⃣ Compatible with mobile pay from your favorite devices!
6️⃣ Experience a low and competitive transaction fee structure
7⃣ #USDT, #USDC, #EURT, #BTC, #ETH, #LTC available to spend at launch
Join us in experiencing secure and seamless spending of your digital currencies on everyday transactions! Download the SafeMoon Wallet and start using the SafeMoon Card today!
Your Moon. Your Pocket.
The Web3 Movement for Everyone™
Card powered by Baanx Group 💳
We are excited to share the Virtual #SAFEMOONCARD is NOW LIVE for residents in the UK, with additional locations on the way! today, you are invited to create your full account and order your virtual version of the card as part of our initial roll out! 🙌
Create your account: https://safemoon.com/card
The SafeMoon Card offers the flexibility of using various digital currencies for your purchases with instant conversion to FIAT upon spending wherever MasterCard is accepted!
Let's explore some of the features:
1️⃣ Securely manage your SafeMoon Card directly within the #SAFEMOONWALLET App
2️⃣ Prioritize and choose the order in which you use your digital currencies for spending
3️⃣ Freeze and unfreeze your card with ease for optimal security
4️⃣ Download statements for comprehensive transaction tracking
5️⃣ Compatible with mobile pay from your favorite devices!
6️⃣ Experience a low and competitive transaction fee structure
7⃣ #USDT, #USDC, #EURT, #BTC, #ETH, #LTC available to spend at launch
Join us in experiencing secure and seamless spending of your digital currencies on everyday transactions! Download the SafeMoon Wallet and start using the SafeMoon Card today!
Your Moon. Your Pocket.
The Web3 Movement for Everyone™
Card powered by Baanx Group 💳
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद SFM के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
1 दिन
2 दिन
अब (1 साल पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
30 अगस्त 18:06 (UTC)