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Smart Layer Network SLN: मोटोको फ्रैगमेंट एनएफटी मिंट
स्मार्ट लेयर नेटवर्क ने मोटोको फ्रैगमेंट एनएफटी मिंट के लिए नई तारीखों की घोषणा की है, जो 1 फरवरी को 00:00 यूटीसी पर होगी।
इसके अतिरिक्त, प्रमुख साझेदारी घोषणाओं और उत्पाद अनावरणों सहित महत्वपूर्ण घटनाक्रम अब से 1 फरवरी के बीच होने की उम्मीद है।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 01 फरवरी 2025 0:00 UTC
Smart Layer
Motoko NFT launch UPDATE
We are pushing the Motoko mint from today until the 1st of Feb.
The market is a bit shell shocked at the events of the past few days.
We think it’s in best interests of The Major and our community to let the dust settle before going live.
1 / 2 https://twitter.com/SmartLayer/status/1881781675669303369/photo/1
We are pushing the Motoko mint from today until the 1st of Feb.
The market is a bit shell shocked at the events of the past few days.
We think it’s in best interests of The Major and our community to let the dust settle before going live.
1 / 2 https://twitter.com/SmartLayer/status/1881781675669303369/photo/1
Smart Layer
New dates are :
Motoko Fragment NFT mint will be february 1st, 00:00 UTC
Lot of new things coming between now and the 1st of February, including major partnership announcements and significant product reveals.
Stay posted for more soon.
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Motoko Fragment NFT mint will be february 1st, 00:00 UTC
Lot of new things coming between now and the 1st of February, including major partnership announcements and significant product reveals.
Stay posted for more soon.
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ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद SLN के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
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2 दिन
अब (1 महीना पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
22 जनवरी 19:19 (UTC)