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Velodrome Finance VELO: Bitkub पर लिस्टिंग
Bitkub 11 मार्च को सुबह 06:00 बजे UTC पर वेलोड्रोम फाइनेंस (VELO) को सूचीबद्ध करेगा।
ईवेंट की तिथि: 11 मार्च 2024 6:00 UTC
Bitkub उन एक्सचेंजों में 18 सबसे बड़ा होगा जहां Velodrome Finance सूचीबद्ध है
Listing Announcement: VELO, RDNT, and SFP
Bitkub Exchange will officially list the following tokens on the system.
- Velodrome Finance (VELO)
- Radiant Capital (RDNT)
- SafePal (SFP)
VELO, RDNT, and SFP are classified as digital tokens (referring to the digital asset classification). The deposit, withdrawal, and trading (buy and sell) systems of the aforementioned tokens will be activated according to the schedule below.
- Deposit and Withdrawal of VELO, RDNT, and SFP
8 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please be sure to use wallets that support the currencies as listed below, and transfer only via the supported networks.
Deposit and withdraw VELO via the Optimism Network.
Deposit and withdraw RDNT via the Arbitrum Network.
Deposit and withdraw SFP via the BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20).
- VELO Trade
11 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please check the current price of VELO before investing.
- RDNT Trade
13 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please check the current price of RDNT before investing.
- SFP Trade
15 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please check the current price of SFP before investing.
- After the trading system is activated, the price can fluctuate which is caused by a market mechanism. Please make an investment decision carefully.
- If the recipient addresses do not support the token, your funds may be lost as confirmed transactions cannot be canceled or changed.
- Cryptocurrency investments are classified as high-risk investments. Before making investment decisions, please consider the risks and invest wisely.
Thank you for your continued support.
Bitkub Exchange will officially list the following tokens on the system.
- Velodrome Finance (VELO)
- Radiant Capital (RDNT)
- SafePal (SFP)
VELO, RDNT, and SFP are classified as digital tokens (referring to the digital asset classification). The deposit, withdrawal, and trading (buy and sell) systems of the aforementioned tokens will be activated according to the schedule below.
- Deposit and Withdrawal of VELO, RDNT, and SFP
8 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please be sure to use wallets that support the currencies as listed below, and transfer only via the supported networks.
Deposit and withdraw VELO via the Optimism Network.
Deposit and withdraw RDNT via the Arbitrum Network.
Deposit and withdraw SFP via the BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20).
- VELO Trade
11 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please check the current price of VELO before investing.
- RDNT Trade
13 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please check the current price of RDNT before investing.
- SFP Trade
15 March 2024 at 01:00 PM (GMT+7)
** Please check the current price of SFP before investing.
- After the trading system is activated, the price can fluctuate which is caused by a market mechanism. Please make an investment decision carefully.
- If the recipient addresses do not support the token, your funds may be lost as confirmed transactions cannot be canceled or changed.
- Cryptocurrency investments are classified as high-risk investments. Before making investment decisions, please consider the risks and invest wisely.
Thank you for your continued support.
ईवेंट के प्रकाशन के बाद VELO के मूल्य में परिवर्तन
1 दिन
2 दिन
अब (0 साल पहले जोड़ा गया)
ईवेंट शुरू होने वाला है
8 मार्च 13:52 (UTC)