MoonXBT Quiz
What is MoonXBT?
MoonXBT is the world's first social cryptocurrency trading platform, focusing on the deep integration of trading and social interaction. At present, we provide contract trading, social interaction, and one-click copy trading services for global traders. MoonXBT's headquarters are in the Cayman Islands, with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.
MoonXBT announces a quiz on knowledge of its platform:
If you answer the questions about MoonXBT correctly, you will participate in a lottery in which you can win cash prizes. If you don’t know anything about MoonXBT yet, you can use the tips.
10 lucky ones who will answer all questions correctly will get 50 USDT in the bonuses on the MoonXBT exchange.
Additional condition:
To participate, you must have an account on MoonXBT
क्विज़ में 253 भागीदार ने भाग लिया था, 40 भागीदार के प्रश्नों का सही उत्तर दिया। विजेताओं को रैंडम रूप से उन लोगों में से चुना गया जिन्होंने सही उत्तर दिए।
पुरस्कार |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |
50 USDT (bonus) |