Cripco Cripco IP3
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Cripco IP3: OOZ 및 Mates 보유자를 위한 Mad-Icine Airdrop 스냅샷

캘린더에 추가

Cripco는 OOZ & Mates 보유자를 위해 Mad-icine 혈청 스냅샷 경품을 주최할 예정입니다. 매드아이신 경품은 2단계로 진행되며, OOZ Prank에 참여해주신 분들을 대상으로 2샷을 드립니다. 첫 번째 사진은 OOZ Prank 참가자 상위 100명 중 12월 1일부터 12월 5일 사이에 촬영됩니다. 같은 기간 101~359위 참가자를 대상으로 한 두 번째 샷도 진행된다.

이밴트: 1에서 5 12월 2023까지 UTC
📢 Mad-icine Airdrop Snapshot Announcement

Hey, mates!

We’re getting ready to drop a new style for your OOZ & mates NFTs! The new 2D style will be unlocked via burning of a serum.

The first OOZ & mates serum is called Mad-icine. It looks like a punky pill infected with some DNA-altering virus. It needs to be burnt to transform OG OOZ (3D) into Punk OOZ (2D).

The Mad-icine distribution will happen in two stages / with two snapshots for those who participated in the OOZ Prank!

Snapshot #1
Snapshot 1 will happen at some time between December 1 & 5, 2023, among the Top 100 OOZ Prank rankers. The distribution method is airdrop. Mad-icine will be distributed according to the number of OOZ & mates NFTs held in the wallet address at the snapshot.

At the Snapshot 1 airdrop, we will also award 1/1 Mad-icine each to the 18 OOZ Hall of Fame members (OOZ Prank event top-rankers).

We will soon hold a special selection session for the 18 OOZ Hall of Fame members where they will be able to pick their exclusive hand-drawn 1/1 OOZ, so keep an eye out for an announcement.

Snapshot #2
Snapshot 2 will also happen at some time between December 1 & 5, 2023. It is targeted at the OOZ Prank rankers from No. 101 to 359.

The distribution method will be priority claim: after OOZ Space (OOZ Space is the official website created by CRIPCO for OOZ & mates holders.

You can claim the Mad-icine serum, change the appearance of your OOZ & mates NFT, and also check the leader board of OOZ holders) goes live, the qualified owners will be able to claim their Mad-icine based on snapshot data. The Prankers will have 2 weeks to claim the punk style mad-icine.

Mad-icine will be dropped based on the number of OOZ NFTs in the wallet, so OOZ Parnkers are encouraged to gather OOZ NFTs into the wallet that you submitted.

Q: What wallets are getting a snapshot?

A: This is the wallet address submitted during the OOZ Prank event. If you did not re-register your wallet in October, it is based on your existing registered address.

Q: What is the priority claim period?

A: This right is provided to respect Prank participants who are loyal fans of OOZ. We will provide priority rights for approximately two weeks, after which claim will be open to everyone.

Q: I did not participate in the OOZ Prank and have no rank. When can I claim Mad-icine as an OOZ holder?

A: We plan to open the Mad-icine claim function for all OOZ & mates holders at the end of the airdrop / after OOZ Space opening / after the priority claim period. Please refer to follow-up announcements for a detailed schedule.

Q: There are many types of OOZ collections. Which collections are eligible for Mad-icine?

A: Only holders on Ethereum ( can receive it.

Q: When changing to Punk Style on OOZ Space, can I receive the same character as my existing character? Will I receive a random character?

A: You will be given the same character as the existing OG Style.

Q: There were a total of 27 OOZ Punk Style sneak peeks. Besides the 1/1 Mad-icine is given up just to 1st-18th places in the Prank rank. Then who can receive the remaining 9?

A: The remaining 9 1/1s will not be issued as Mad-icine. When an existing 1/1 holder of OG Style changes to Punk Style, 1/1 is automatically granted.
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