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Everscale EVER: 비문 프로토콜 출시
Everscale은 0.0.1 베타 프로토콜이자 서비스 빌더인 Inscription Protocol이라는 새로운 서비스를 출시했습니다. 이 서비스를 통해 사용자는 EEP20 토큰 및 그래픽 NFT 형식으로 비문을 발행할 수 있습니다. 또한 곧 출시될 이름 지정 서비스도 포함되어 있습니다. 프로토콜의 각인 비용은 0.001 EVER이며, 새 토큰을 만들거나 기존 토큰을 발행하려면 동일한 금액이 필요합니다.
국제 예술가들의 인기 그림에 대한 그래픽 NFT인 처음 100개의 비문이 마켓플레이스 출시 시 판매용으로 제공됩니다. 프로토콜은 오픈 소스이며 독립 개발자가 Everscale 비문을 기반으로 서비스에 참여하고 생성하도록 권장됩니다.
이밴트: 2024년 1월 8일 UTC
https://inscriptions.place/ Protocol Launches on Everscale! ✨
A new service called https://inscriptions.place/, a v0.0.1 beta protocol + service builder, has launched on Everscale! 🎆
https://inscriptions.place/ allows users to issue their own inscriptions in the form of EEP20 tokens and graphical NFTs and also includes a naming service (to be launched soon). 🔜
In the protocol, inscription costs 0.001 EVER. It costs 0.001 EVER to create a new token, 0.001 EVER to mint an existing token.
🖼️ The first 100 inscriptions, numbered from 1 through 100, are graphic NFTs, which are images of the most popular paintings created by international artists. They will be offered for sale at the launch of the marketplace.
In the near future, https://inscriptions.place/ will launch marketplace tokens and NFTs, as well as a system for conducting IIOs (Initial Inscription Offerings) and NFT drops. Additionally, the UX/UI of the service will be redesigned, as it is now operating in an MVP model.
Each new inscription gets its own unique sequential number in ascending order. As is the case with Bitcoin, Dot, BnB, TON and other blockchains where inscriptions have gained popularity, the earlier the inscription number, the more valuable it is. So hurry up to create your inscription as early as possible on https://inscriptions.place/! 📈
P.S. the protocol is open source and teams of independent developers are encouraged to join the protocol and create services based on Everscale inscriptions. 🦾
A new service called https://inscriptions.place/, a v0.0.1 beta protocol + service builder, has launched on Everscale! 🎆
https://inscriptions.place/ allows users to issue their own inscriptions in the form of EEP20 tokens and graphical NFTs and also includes a naming service (to be launched soon). 🔜
In the protocol, inscription costs 0.001 EVER. It costs 0.001 EVER to create a new token, 0.001 EVER to mint an existing token.
🖼️ The first 100 inscriptions, numbered from 1 through 100, are graphic NFTs, which are images of the most popular paintings created by international artists. They will be offered for sale at the launch of the marketplace.
In the near future, https://inscriptions.place/ will launch marketplace tokens and NFTs, as well as a system for conducting IIOs (Initial Inscription Offerings) and NFT drops. Additionally, the UX/UI of the service will be redesigned, as it is now operating in an MVP model.
Each new inscription gets its own unique sequential number in ascending order. As is the case with Bitcoin, Dot, BnB, TON and other blockchains where inscriptions have gained popularity, the earlier the inscription number, the more valuable it is. So hurry up to create your inscription as early as possible on https://inscriptions.place/! 📈
P.S. the protocol is open source and teams of independent developers are encouraged to join the protocol and create services based on Everscale inscriptions. 🦾
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