Gui Inu GUI: {Social network}의 AMA
Gui Inu는 1월 23일 13:00 UTC에 PancakeSwap과 함께 텔레그램에서 AMA를 진행할 예정입니다. 이 이벤트에서는 $3,000 상당의 Gui Inu 토큰 상금 풀이 제공됩니다.
이밴트: 2024년 1월 23일 13:00 UTC
AMA가 무엇인가요?
AMA는 'Ask Me Anything'의 약자로 말 그대로 무엇이든 물어보라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. AMA는 정식 용어는 아니지만 ICO나 Pre-sale 전 각종 커뮤니티에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 용어입니다.
🐰 PancakeSwap will host an AMA with GUI INU
📅 23 Jan, 13:00 UTC
🎁 $3,000 worth of $GUI
👉 Join the AMA here:
💰To Win AMA prizes, you MUST:
✅ Follow guiinuaptos and PancakeSwap🥞Everyone's Favorite DEX
✅ Join the PancakeSwap telegram group:
✅ Ask questions during the AMA or below this tweet
✅ Or answer the quiz questions prepared by the GUI INU team during the AMA
🎁 Bonus: Answer this question in the #Aptos Topic of our PCS TG group before the AMA starts: “What is the total reward pool for participating in the GUI INU trading competition on Aptos PancakeSwap, and when did it start and when will it end?” Add the hashtags #GuiinuAMA. 10 lucky winners will win $20 each! Make sure to join the AMA as well, or you won’t qualify.
📅 23 Jan, 13:00 UTC
🎁 $3,000 worth of $GUI
👉 Join the AMA here:
💰To Win AMA prizes, you MUST:
✅ Follow guiinuaptos and PancakeSwap🥞Everyone's Favorite DEX
✅ Join the PancakeSwap telegram group:
✅ Ask questions during the AMA or below this tweet
✅ Or answer the quiz questions prepared by the GUI INU team during the AMA
🎁 Bonus: Answer this question in the #Aptos Topic of our PCS TG group before the AMA starts: “What is the total reward pool for participating in the GUI INU trading competition on Aptos PancakeSwap, and when did it start and when will it end?” Add the hashtags #GuiinuAMA. 10 lucky winners will win $20 each! Make sure to join the AMA as well, or you won’t qualify.
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다