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Quidd: Giveaway
Quidd는 Alien Badges 컬렉션의 Rick and Morty 스티커, Sugar Skulls of Death 시리즈의 천사 피규어, Legionnaires Part 2 세트의 무법자 기본 피규어 등 다양한 수집 가능한 아이템이 포함된 경품 행사를 주최할 예정입니다.
참가자는 Quidd 플랫폼의 지정된 뉴스 게시물에 댓글을 달고 Quidd에서 수집하는 것에 대한 선호도를 표현하여 참가해야 합니다. 각 사용자는 하나의 항목만 허용되며 주어진 질문에 대한 응답만 적격 항목으로 간주됩니다.
무작위 추첨 응모는 동부 표준시 기준 7월 4일 오후 1시까지 받습니다.
이밴트: 2023년 7월 4일 UTC
4th of july #Giveaway Celebration on Quidd! 🎆
What's up for grabs?
1st draw winner: Rick and Morty sticker from the Alien Badges collection, print #8
2nd draw winner: Ángel figure from the Sugar Skulls of Death, print #4
3rd draw winner: Outlaw - Base figure from the Legionnaires Part 2 set, print #6
How to enter:
Simply reply in the comments in News post on Quidd, why do you like collecting on Quidd? Each user can have only one entry (only answer to previous question counts as eligible entry). Random raffle entries are accepted until July 4th, 1pm ET.
News post: https://market.onquidd.com/posts/83173483
NOTE: Only comments (answer to question) under News post are counted as eligible entries!
What's up for grabs?
1st draw winner: Rick and Morty sticker from the Alien Badges collection, print #8
2nd draw winner: Ángel figure from the Sugar Skulls of Death, print #4
3rd draw winner: Outlaw - Base figure from the Legionnaires Part 2 set, print #6
How to enter:
Simply reply in the comments in News post on Quidd, why do you like collecting on Quidd? Each user can have only one entry (only answer to previous question counts as eligible entry). Random raffle entries are accepted until July 4th, 1pm ET.
News post: https://market.onquidd.com/posts/83173483
NOTE: Only comments (answer to question) under News post are counted as eligible entries!
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다
4 7 10:06 (UTC)