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Auction: Lançamento Intelligence AI Agent Launchpad
A Auction está programada para lançar seu Intelligence AI Agent Launchpad em 3 de março.
A plataforma permitirá que os usuários criem e implantem seus tokens fornecendo informações personalizadas sobre eles, incluindo nome, ticker, descrição, logotipo e banner, além de selecionar opções de arrecadação de fundos.
Data do evento: 3 de março de 2025 UTC
Bounce Brand
• Auction Intelligence Launch Time: 2/28/2025 12PM UTC
• AUCTION rewards will be offered to creators and participants of the tokens with the highest market cap. Whether raised in $AUCTION or $Broccoli 3Ef, both have equal opportunities to earn rewards.
• Every user can create your own tokenized AI agent, customize its response style & launch your custom token via lottery launch. Your AI agents will be able to chat with everyone based on your settings.
• The Bounce team will launch our own AI agent and token as an example of how it’s done on this launchpad. Details will be announced at launch tomorrow.
• Auction Intelligence Launch Time: 2/28/2025 12PM UTC
• AUCTION rewards will be offered to creators and participants of the tokens with the highest market cap. Whether raised in $AUCTION or $Broccoli 3Ef, both have equal opportunities to earn rewards.
• Every user can create your own tokenized AI agent, customize its response style & launch your custom token via lottery launch. Your AI agents will be able to chat with everyone based on your settings.
• The Bounce team will launch our own AI agent and token as an example of how it’s done on this launchpad. Details will be announced at launch tomorrow.
Bounce Brand
Due to current market conditions, Auction Intelligence’s launch time is now adjusted to 3/3/2025 at 12pm UTC.
AUCTION alterações de preço após a publicação do evento
1 dia
2 dias
Agora (Adicionado 6 dias atrás)
O evento está prestes a começar
25 fev 21:43 (UTC)