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Cripco IP3: Airdrop
A Cripco anunciou um evento especial para usuários e traders da plataforma Blur de 29 de dezembro a 31 de maio. O evento envolve a negociação das coleções CRIPCO NFT WADE: Friends & Family “WADE F&F” e “OOZ & mates” no BLUR. Os participantes podem ganhar pontos licitando e listando próximo ao preço mínimo (FP). Quanto mais próximos os lances e listagens estiverem do PF, maiores serão os pontos ganhos.
Os participantes também podem aumentar suas pontuações usando códigos de referência. No entanto, o superfaturamento e o wash trading não serão benéficos neste caso. O evento terminará com um lançamento aéreo IP3 no final da temporada, em maio de 2024.
Data do evento: 29 dez a 31 mai 2024 UTC
If you weren’t a degen, you wouldn't stand a chance in the Blur airdrop. Are you hoping to get in on the BLUR Airdrop S3 maybe? Trading CRIPCO NFTs on BLUR is your golden ticket to it. PLUS, you get a CRIPCO airdrop, too!
Just before the year end, we have prepared a special event for for blur users and traders. Trade CRIPCO NFT collections WADE: Friends & Family ‘WADE F&F,’ and OOZ & mates | Reboot ‘OOZ & mates’ on BLUR, earn points by getting on the bidding and listing ranks, and get yourself a sweet IP3 airdrop!
1️⃣ Bidding Score: Keep bidding closer to the Floor Price (FP) to get a higher score. The fewer the bids between the FP and your bid, the higher the score.
2️⃣ Listing Score: Similarly, the longer your listing stays near the FP, the higher the score.
BTW you can boost your score using referral codes.
The scores are based on a complex algorithm that can be dumbed down to this: stay active near the FP to maximize your points. Since we want to keep the competition fair and square, overpricing won’t give you any edge.
Also mind that wash trading multiplies all your points by zero.
Welcome all to join this trading marathon and best of luck in your crusade for the gold of IP! IP3 airdrop will be distributed at the season end, in May 2024. Good luck and see you on BLUR!
If you weren’t a degen, you wouldn't stand a chance in the Blur airdrop. Are you hoping to get in on the BLUR Airdrop S3 maybe? Trading CRIPCO NFTs on BLUR is your golden ticket to it. PLUS, you get a CRIPCO airdrop, too!
Just before the year end, we have prepared a special event for for blur users and traders. Trade CRIPCO NFT collections WADE: Friends & Family ‘WADE F&F,’ and OOZ & mates | Reboot ‘OOZ & mates’ on BLUR, earn points by getting on the bidding and listing ranks, and get yourself a sweet IP3 airdrop!
1️⃣ Bidding Score: Keep bidding closer to the Floor Price (FP) to get a higher score. The fewer the bids between the FP and your bid, the higher the score.
2️⃣ Listing Score: Similarly, the longer your listing stays near the FP, the higher the score.
BTW you can boost your score using referral codes.
The scores are based on a complex algorithm that can be dumbed down to this: stay active near the FP to maximize your points. Since we want to keep the competition fair and square, overpricing won’t give you any edge.
Also mind that wash trading multiplies all your points by zero.
Welcome all to join this trading marathon and best of luck in your crusade for the gold of IP! IP3 airdrop will be distributed at the season end, in May 2024. Good luck and see you on BLUR!
O evento está prestes a começar
30 dez 17:04 (UTC)