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Dogechain DG: Queimadura de Token
A proposta de queima significa que uma parte significativa da oferta inédita será queimada após 23 de julho.
Data do evento: julho de 2023 UTC
O que e queimar moeda(token)?
Uma queima de moeda (token) e um processo de envio de uma certa quantidade de criptomoeda para um endereco publico que tem chaves privadas nao alcancaveis. No futuro, as moedas enviadas nao podem ser gastas, assim a queima de moeda leva a uma diminuicao global na oferta de criptomoedas circulantes.
Dogechain💜 (Giving away a Tesla)
Did You Know - The Tiered Burn lockup period is in progress!
🗳 After the latest governance vote on, the community voted to remove the threshold for participation in past and future governance votes.
🔥 This validated the Tiered Burn proposal, meaning that a significant portion of the unreleased supply will be burned after july 23rd.
The burn tiers will be correlated to the amount of $DC locked in the vote-escrow model (veDC) as follows:
🔹Tier 1 - 20% of $DC circulating supply locked - 10% burn
🔹Tier 2 - 30% of $DC circulating supply locked - 15% burn
🔹Tier 3 - 40% of $DC circulating supply locked - 20% burn
🔹Tier 4 - 50% of $DC circulating supply locked - 25% burn (max)
Currently, 17% of the circulating supply is locked, with just a small step needed for a 10% burn (20 billion $DC tokens)
███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 17% Loading
$DC holders have until the 23rd of July to lock up their tokens and contribute towards a higher token burn 🧨
🔒Lock and stake your tokens here:
Let’s do this together Shibes! 🤝
🗳 After the latest governance vote on, the community voted to remove the threshold for participation in past and future governance votes.
🔥 This validated the Tiered Burn proposal, meaning that a significant portion of the unreleased supply will be burned after july 23rd.
The burn tiers will be correlated to the amount of $DC locked in the vote-escrow model (veDC) as follows:
🔹Tier 1 - 20% of $DC circulating supply locked - 10% burn
🔹Tier 2 - 30% of $DC circulating supply locked - 15% burn
🔹Tier 3 - 40% of $DC circulating supply locked - 20% burn
🔹Tier 4 - 50% of $DC circulating supply locked - 25% burn (max)
Currently, 17% of the circulating supply is locked, with just a small step needed for a 10% burn (20 billion $DC tokens)
███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 17% Loading
$DC holders have until the 23rd of July to lock up their tokens and contribute towards a higher token burn 🧨
🔒Lock and stake your tokens here:
Let’s do this together Shibes! 🤝
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O evento está prestes a começar
26 jun 17:20 (UTC)