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Kanga Exchange KNG: Alterações no método de pagamento
A Kanga Exchange informa que a partir de 01.07.2023 haverá alteração na forma de pagamento da recompensa do PoS COP1, COP2, COP3. Os PoSs indicados poderão gerar apenas oPLN. A entidade responsável pela entrega dos prémios é a Emitente. Os PoSs acumularão recompensas apenas se o emissor entregar fundos aos PoSs indicados.
Data do evento: 1 de julho de 2023 UTC
Dear User,
We would like to inform you that from 01.07.2023 there is a change in the method of payment of reward from PoS COP1, COP2, COP3. The indicated PoSs will be able to generate oPLN only. The entity responsible for the delivery of awards is the Issuer. PoSs will accrue rewards only if the issuer delivers funds to the indicated PoSs. We would also like to inform you that due to technical reasons we do not have the possibility to change the payment method of the current PoSs to oPLN, therefore each User wishing to use the service should send their funds to the new PoS paying oPLN. The existing PoS will therefore be closed.
We would like to inform you that from 01.07.2023 there is a change in the method of payment of reward from PoS COP1, COP2, COP3. The indicated PoSs will be able to generate oPLN only. The entity responsible for the delivery of awards is the Issuer. PoSs will accrue rewards only if the issuer delivers funds to the indicated PoSs. We would also like to inform you that due to technical reasons we do not have the possibility to change the payment method of the current PoSs to oPLN, therefore each User wishing to use the service should send their funds to the new PoS paying oPLN. The existing PoS will therefore be closed.
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O evento está prestes a começar
20 jun 17:46 (UTC)