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Derby Stars RUN DSRUN: Revisão do cronograma de lançamento aéreo
Derby Stars RUN anunciou uma mudança em sua política de lançamento aéreo. O lançamento aéreo, que estava inicialmente programado para ocorrer no dia 3 de cada mês às 11h UTC até fevereiro de 2024, agora será ajustado para ocorrer no próximo dia útil se a data original cair em um fim de semana ou feriado local.
Este ajuste é feito para garantir um acompanhamento tranquilo em caso de problemas inesperados durante o lançamento aéreo.
Data do evento: 1 de setembro de 2023 UTC
Derby Stars🐴🌟 l Alpha build is Live🔴
In order to ensure a smooth follow-up in the event of unexpected issues during the airdrop, the team has decided to revise the policy regarding airdrop dates for vesting.
Previously, we had indicated that the airdrop for holders and EA participants was scheduled to take place on the 3rd of each month at 11:00 AM UTC until February 2024. However, since some of these dates coincide with weekends and local holidays, we have made the decision to adjust the schedule so that the airdrop will occur on the next BUSINESS DAY.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to enhance the airdrop process. Thank you🙏
In order to ensure a smooth follow-up in the event of unexpected issues during the airdrop, the team has decided to revise the policy regarding airdrop dates for vesting.
Previously, we had indicated that the airdrop for holders and EA participants was scheduled to take place on the 3rd of each month at 11:00 AM UTC until February 2024. However, since some of these dates coincide with weekends and local holidays, we have made the decision to adjust the schedule so that the airdrop will occur on the next BUSINESS DAY.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to enhance the airdrop process. Thank you🙏
O evento está prestes a começar
1 set 18:10 (UTC)