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Sora XOR: Liberação de cartão
A Sora está fazendo progressos significativos no desenvolvimento do seu cartão SORA. O cartão SORA virtual será habilitado no aplicativo e por meio do Apple Pay e Google Pay logo em seguida, com cartões físicos previstos para envio aproximadamente 8 semanas depois.
Data do evento: Até 31 de março de 2024 UTC
SORA | Many Worlds. One Economy. 天
Dear SORA Community,
SORA Card is progressing every week!
We are happy to share an overview of the major ongoing developments:
The SORA Card fiat wallet build is close to completion; afterwards, it will be connected to the SORA Wallet. This will enable you to send and receive funds, as well as top up your account with a credit or debit card, and it will be your SORA card hub, displaying your card and account details.
Shortly after, you can expect your virtual SORA Card to be enabled in the app and through Apple Pay and Google Pay. From that moment, it will take approx. 8 weeks for the first physical cards to ship.
In parallel, we are working on a KYC and Security upgrade. A captcha will optimise the application process, and consequently, an improved SMS service will bring you a better user experience.
The third major development piece, the exchange between crypto and fiat in your self-custodial wallet and fiat, has taken some more time than anticipated. This is due to the many dependencies involved in the solution. We cannot share exact timelines, and we expect this to be finalised in q1 2024 with the information we have today.
Furthermore, the Fearless Wallet integration of SORA Card is progressing. Shortly after launching on SORA Wallet, you can apply, access and manage your account through Fearless Wallet.
Lastly, although SORA Card applications are open for people worldwide (except for residents of certain listed countries), we encountered many applicants who still need help to pass the KYC and AML review.
This was flagged early on, and SumSub is working on an upgrade to facilitate more successful applications from people outside the EEA.
We can’t wait to share the next releases with you! Thank you for your ongoing support.
The SORA Card Team ♥️
SORA Card is progressing every week!
We are happy to share an overview of the major ongoing developments:
The SORA Card fiat wallet build is close to completion; afterwards, it will be connected to the SORA Wallet. This will enable you to send and receive funds, as well as top up your account with a credit or debit card, and it will be your SORA card hub, displaying your card and account details.
Shortly after, you can expect your virtual SORA Card to be enabled in the app and through Apple Pay and Google Pay. From that moment, it will take approx. 8 weeks for the first physical cards to ship.
In parallel, we are working on a KYC and Security upgrade. A captcha will optimise the application process, and consequently, an improved SMS service will bring you a better user experience.
The third major development piece, the exchange between crypto and fiat in your self-custodial wallet and fiat, has taken some more time than anticipated. This is due to the many dependencies involved in the solution. We cannot share exact timelines, and we expect this to be finalised in q1 2024 with the information we have today.
Furthermore, the Fearless Wallet integration of SORA Card is progressing. Shortly after launching on SORA Wallet, you can apply, access and manage your account through Fearless Wallet.
Lastly, although SORA Card applications are open for people worldwide (except for residents of certain listed countries), we encountered many applicants who still need help to pass the KYC and AML review.
This was flagged early on, and SumSub is working on an upgrade to facilitate more successful applications from people outside the EEA.
We can’t wait to share the next releases with you! Thank you for your ongoing support.
The SORA Card Team ♥️
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