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Cripco IP3: WADESIDE NFT junta-se à campanha CRIPCO BLUR Airdrop
A Cripco anunciou que a coleção WADESIDE NFT se juntará oficialmente à campanha de lançamento aéreo CRIPCO BLUR. Esta integração permite a licitação e listagem de NFTs WADESIDE na plataforma BLUR.
Os participantes da negociação no BLUR terão a oportunidade de ganhar pontos IP3 e BLUR, competindo contra outros. Além disso, eles receberão uma parte de 70 milhões de tokens IP3, bem como tokens BLUR durante o lançamento aéreo da próxima temporada 3.
Data do evento: 29 de fevereiro de 2024 UTC
The WADESIDE NFT collection will be officially joining the CRIPCO BLUR Airdrop campaign!
Here’s how to participate and a glimpse of what is in store for holders:
- Bid and list your WADESIDE NFT on BLUR as close to the FP as possible
- Trading on BLUR can earn you $IP3 and $BLUR points, competing against others
- Receive a part of 70,000,000 $IP3 tokens (and BLUR tokens during their next Season 3 Airdrop!)
Get Started Now:
Here’s how to participate and a glimpse of what is in store for holders:
- Bid and list your WADESIDE NFT on BLUR as close to the FP as possible
- Trading on BLUR can earn you $IP3 and $BLUR points, competing against others
- Receive a part of 70,000,000 $IP3 tokens (and BLUR tokens during their next Season 3 Airdrop!)
Get Started Now:
O evento está prestes a começar
1 mar 17:37 (UTC)