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Chainlink LINK: RPS Network ile Ortaklık
Chainlink, bir kullanıcı etkileşim platformu olan RPS Network ile ortaklık kurduğunu duyurdu. Chainlink BUILD programının bir parçası olarak RPS Network, Chainlink'in oracle hizmetlerine ve teknik desteğine erişim kazanarak platformunun güvenliğini ve işlevselliğini artıracak.
Etkinlik Tarihi: 19 Aralık 2023 UTC
🏗️ #ChainlinkBUILD 🏗️
RPS Network (RPS Network) is joining Chainlink BUILD to gain enhanced access to Chainlink's industry-leading oracle services and technical support, which helps support the security and use of its cutting-edge user engagement platform.
In return, RPS Network will make 3% of its total native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers.
RPS Lab/web3-engagement-platform-rps-network-joins-chainlink-build-42e81676cfc2" target="blank">https://medium.com/RPS Lab/web3-engagement-platform-rps-network-joins-chainlink-build-42e81676cfc2
At a high level, RPS Network aims to establish a permissionless data and distribution channel that leverages an AI data layer for enhanced user targeting. This ultimately helps facilitate better user acquisition initiatives and increased user retention, and provides a holistic engagement platform for Web2 and Web3 users alike.
As part of BUILD, RPS Network will receive key benefits, including access to and integration of Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) within RPS Network’s raffle service, Chainlink Automation and Functions to help automate airdrops while staying connected to offchain anti-botting technology, Chainlink Price Feeds to help track digital asset prices, and Chainlink CCIP to help build a cross-chain quest platform for dApps, as well as access to new Chainlink alpha and beta releases, among other benefits.
Explore RPS Network: https://www.rpslabs.io/
RPS Network (RPS Network) is joining Chainlink BUILD to gain enhanced access to Chainlink's industry-leading oracle services and technical support, which helps support the security and use of its cutting-edge user engagement platform.
In return, RPS Network will make 3% of its total native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers.
RPS Lab/web3-engagement-platform-rps-network-joins-chainlink-build-42e81676cfc2" target="blank">https://medium.com/RPS Lab/web3-engagement-platform-rps-network-joins-chainlink-build-42e81676cfc2
At a high level, RPS Network aims to establish a permissionless data and distribution channel that leverages an AI data layer for enhanced user targeting. This ultimately helps facilitate better user acquisition initiatives and increased user retention, and provides a holistic engagement platform for Web2 and Web3 users alike.
As part of BUILD, RPS Network will receive key benefits, including access to and integration of Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) within RPS Network’s raffle service, Chainlink Automation and Functions to help automate airdrops while staying connected to offchain anti-botting technology, Chainlink Price Feeds to help track digital asset prices, and Chainlink CCIP to help build a cross-chain quest platform for dApps, as well as access to new Chainlink alpha and beta releases, among other benefits.
Explore RPS Network: https://www.rpslabs.io/
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19 Ara 19:57 (UTC)