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Cripco IP3: Son Geçiş Penceresi
Cripco, geçişin 22 Ocak'tan 5 Şubat'a kadar son bir kez yeniden açılacağını duyurdu.
Etkinlik Tarihi: 22 Oca–5 Şub 2024 UTC
Coin Swap / Token Swap (Coin/Token Takası) nedir?
Coin takası, bir blok zincirinden diğerine kripto para geçiş sürecidir. Söz konusu takas, bir hard fork (coin takası) veya bir mainnet lansmanından (token takası) kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Kripto para sahiplerinin kripto paralarını kaybetmemek için takas kılavuzlarındaki talimatlara uymaları gerekmektedir.
📢 Announcement on Final Migration Window
🧐 It has come to our attention that some holders of the #CRIPCO ecosystem NFTs missed last year’s #migration. As WADESIDE INO is coming and all WADE F&F holders on Ethereum get their free drop, and as only Ethereum OOZ & mates can claim Punk Style, it might be a good idea to finally join the migration and unlock these benefits for those who’s been missing out on them.
Migration re-opens one last time from January 22 to February 5, 2024.
Migrated assets will be airdropped after February 6, 2024 (please mind that the airdrop time is not fixed and may change due to the fluctuating Ethereum gas price).
⚠️ Unlike last year, this migration is a paid service.
Migration service fee:
0.002 ETH per 1 NFT (WADE or OOZ)
0.002 ETH per IP3 transaction (no limit)
Get more details on Deform: https://cripco.deform.cc/migration2024
This is your last ticket to IP 3.0, Cripconauts! The train is leaving ⏰🚄
🧐 It has come to our attention that some holders of the #CRIPCO ecosystem NFTs missed last year’s #migration. As WADESIDE INO is coming and all WADE F&F holders on Ethereum get their free drop, and as only Ethereum OOZ & mates can claim Punk Style, it might be a good idea to finally join the migration and unlock these benefits for those who’s been missing out on them.
Migration re-opens one last time from January 22 to February 5, 2024.
Migrated assets will be airdropped after February 6, 2024 (please mind that the airdrop time is not fixed and may change due to the fluctuating Ethereum gas price).
⚠️ Unlike last year, this migration is a paid service.
Migration service fee:
0.002 ETH per 1 NFT (WADE or OOZ)
0.002 ETH per IP3 transaction (no limit)
Get more details on Deform: https://cripco.deform.cc/migration2024
This is your last ticket to IP 3.0, Cripconauts! The train is leaving ⏰🚄
Etkinlik başlamak üzere
22 Oca 19:31 (UTC)