Polygon MATIC: 与NEAR Foundation合作
Polygon 正在与 NEAR 基金会合作,为 Wasm 区块链开发零知识(ZK)证明器。这一开发旨在弥合基于 Wasm 的链和以太坊生态系统之间的差距。完成后,zkWasm 证明器将增强使用 Polygon 链开发套件 (CDK) 的开发人员的可定制性。
活动: 2023年11月8日 UTC
Expanding the L2 market by introducing Wasm chains to Ethereum.
Polygon Labs and NEAR Foundation are teaming up to develop a zero-knowledge (ZK) prover for Wasm blockchains in order to bridge the gap between Wasm-based chains and the Ethereum ecosystem. When complete, a zkWasm prover will add additional customizability for developers building with Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit).
So what does this mean?
NEAR Foundation will become a core contributor to Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit), expanding developer options for building custom blockchains. This means projects will be able to select from a number of provers when building with Polygon CDK, whether that’s launching or migrating an EVM chain, or building a Wasm chain for closer Ethereum alignment and access to liquidity.
The zkWasm prover will be a new runtime to generate zero-knowledge proofs that prove the native Wasm runtime execution is correct, which will result in better scalability and increased decentralization.
This innovation can bring NEAR Protocol | NEARCON | November 7-10 | Lisbon! closer to Ethereum, enabling Wasm chains to tap Ethereum liquidity.
Read more: https://polygon.technology/blog/polygon-labs-and-near-foundation-collaborate-to-build-a-zkwasm-prover-as-a-component-for-polygon-cdk?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=near-zkwasm-blog
Polygon Labs and NEAR Foundation are teaming up to develop a zero-knowledge (ZK) prover for Wasm blockchains in order to bridge the gap between Wasm-based chains and the Ethereum ecosystem. When complete, a zkWasm prover will add additional customizability for developers building with Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit).
So what does this mean?
NEAR Foundation will become a core contributor to Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit), expanding developer options for building custom blockchains. This means projects will be able to select from a number of provers when building with Polygon CDK, whether that’s launching or migrating an EVM chain, or building a Wasm chain for closer Ethereum alignment and access to liquidity.
The zkWasm prover will be a new runtime to generate zero-knowledge proofs that prove the native Wasm runtime execution is correct, which will result in better scalability and increased decentralization.
This innovation can bring NEAR Protocol | NEARCON | November 7-10 | Lisbon! closer to Ethereum, enabling Wasm chains to tap Ethereum liquidity.
Read more: https://polygon.technology/blog/polygon-labs-and-near-foundation-collaborate-to-build-a-zkwasm-prover-as-a-component-for-polygon-cdk?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=near-zkwasm-blog
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