Bitcoin Cash Bitcoin Cash BCH
Show Coin Info
457.09 USD
% Change
Market Cap
9.01B USD
146M USD
Circulating Supply
494% from all time low
728% to all time high
569% from all time low
609% to all time high
94% are in circulation
Circulating Supply
Max Supply

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

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Bitcoin Cash Events on the Chart

What is Bitcoin Cash?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that was created as a result of a hard fork from the Bitcoin network in August 2017. The hard fork was conducted with the aim of increasing the block size in the blockchain to address scalability issues.

Bitcoin Cash positions itself as a more practical version of Bitcoin, capable of processing more transactions in a shorter period of time.

Currently, the maximum block size has been increased to 32MB which is eight times larger than BTC. As a result, Bitcoin Cash is able to handle more transactions per block, significantly reducing waiting times and lowering transaction fees. However, such an increase in block size may lead to greater centralization of miners, as it requires more resources for mining blocks.

2017-2024 Coindar