Monday, May 15, 2023 UTC

Message From Liberty Finance CTO: Why we are building our own Bridge and Relayer


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) projects often use third party relayers and bridges for a variety of reasons, mostly having to do with ease of going to market but this comes at a cost. Third party services such as cookie-cutter platforms, 3rd party relayer services and bridges are expensive and those costs by necessity need to be absorbed by the users.

At Liberty Finance , we’re building our own suite of solutions for a variety of reasons including tailoring user accessibility and reducing fees. Here's a deeper look at why these aspects are important:

1. Tailoring User Accessibility:

User accessibility is critical for us as it influences the number of users who can engage with the platform. Having a custom relayer and bridge allows Liberty Finance to tailor the user experience to its unique needs and target audience. Let’s face it, we’re all used to “bridging” and other crypto/web3 terminology but to most people outside of this space, it’s completely alien. Moreover, the abstraction of what exactly happens at each step is lost on even many hardened DeFi adepts. There is a way to make abstraction digestible for just about anyone, not just software engineers…

User Experience: A relayer and bridge built specifically by us can be customized to provide a more seamless and intuitive user experience. This can help attract and retain users, and will be a competitive advantage.

Feature Integration: A custom relayer and bridge allows us to seamlessly integrate unique features, further enhancing its value proposition to users. This could include specific types of transactions, unique tokenomics, or integrated services.

Interoperability: With our own bridge, we can ensure optimal interoperability with other protocols or networks, enabling our users to interact with a wider crypto ecosystem. It makes it easier to build partnerships with other platforms, as we can customize the bridging processes to align with the requirements of those platforms.

2. Reducing Fees:

High transaction costs can be a major barrier for many users in the DeFi space, particularly for those making smaller transactions. By creating our own relayer and bridge, we can work to minimize these costs.

Optimized Gas Fees: Running a dedicated relayer can enable us to optimize transaction batching, timing, and other factors to reduce gas fees. To add to this, the platform runs on the Gather network which already has ridiculously low fees, further reducing the overall end cost to our users.

Fee Structures: Having our own bridge allows us to establish our own fee structures. We have the flexibility to absorb some costs, subsidize certain transactions, or offer lower fees for our token holders, all of which can help attract and retain users.

The TL;DR is that having a custom relayer and bridge offers us more control over our platform. This will lead to a better user experience, reduced fees, and ultimately, a more successful project.

Will it be easy? Lol, no. Is it necessary? In our opinion, yes, it really is.

Discipline is the Key

We are doing what’s right.

We know crypto exchanges are fundamentally broken — and we are hard at work fixing this with a fresh perspective and a return to first principles.

No tradeoffs, no excuses, no shortcuts. And NO centralized custody.

Liberty Finance is our stake in the ground. We are building the DEX nobody else is willing to. And we are doing it in a way that everybody benefits. We are not doing it to be famous. We are not doing it to get rich quick.

Now, we know, that you know, that Trading = Discipline + Education - Friction.

First, let’s talk about friction.

Liberty Finance will allow for complex and sophisticated trading strategies, but logging in and executing a trade won’t be complex. Onboarding, functionality and user experience will not be an afterthought.

We are going to do everything we can to reduce friction.

Secondly, let’s talk about education.

We are teachers first. And we’re hard at work converting decades of combined experience into learning paths, educational modules, and a set of checks and balances that will help you learn, that will actively help you avoid mistakes, and that won’t let you hurt yourself because you are uninformed.

We know it’s hard.

Which is why we are willing to do it.

Now, let’s talk about discipline. And let’s talk about you.

Trading is about money. But, making money while trading needs discipline. And that’s on you.

For Liberty Finance to succeed, we need you to be ambitious. We need you to be informed. And we need you to take calculated risks. And we want you to be successful.

All of this needs discipline.

You bring the discipline, we’ll make sure you get everything else. Join the revolution!

2017-2024 Coindar